How to run a command from 1Password for macOS just as I can under Windows with cmd:// in URL

Community Member

I use VeraCrypt to secure some data and I have set up an easy, yet secure I hope, way to open the encrypted files using 1Password for Windows. I create a 'logins' entry for the process and in the 'website' field I enter the following,
cmd://C:\Programs\VeraCrypt.exe /v "{USERNAME}" /p {PASSWORD} ...
There are some extra parameters on the end.
I put the path to the encrypted volume in the 'username' field and to decrypt the volume, I simply single click on the url. This works very well for me under Windows.
Is there a way to do something similar under 1Password for macOS? I know that the macOS form of the VeraCrypt command is different to Windows and I have written the equivalent command. I have tried cmd:// and terminal:// but neither work. Is this even possible under macOS?

1Password Version: 6.5.3
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 10.12.3
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:cmd:// in url field


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @PaulP1: I believe that there are some 3rd party Mac apps for this purpose, but it doesn't work like Windows the way you mean (i.e. executing a "URL" with "cmd://" from the shell). 1Password just passes the address to the OS, so unless it handles something like that natively (macOS doesn't) or there's another app that does, it isn't possible. And frankly, I'm okay with URLs not being able to be used to execute code on my Mac. :lol:

  • PaulP1
    Community Member

    Thx brenty,
    In that case, when I try to mount a VeraCrypt volume, I get a window pop up that asks for password, etc. However, 1Password doesn't recognise the window so "Command-backslash" doesn't fill in the fields. Is there a way to let 1Password know to fill in the VeraCrypt window's fields?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @PaulP1: Ah, thanks for clarifying. No, it is not possible for 1Password to integrate with apps that don't have robust extension frameworks the way modern browsers do. You'd need to copy and paste your login credentials in that case. But that isn't so bad since you can press ⌘ ⌥ \ to bring up 1Password mini to search for your credentials, rather than switching to the main 1Password app. I hope this helps!

  • PaulP1
    Community Member

    Thx brenty. I'll do that.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    :) :+1:

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