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Migrating 1Password local to new 1Password Account on iMac

Community Member

Today I purchased the 1Password Account version after using the standalone on my iMac (v 3.8.21) for years. I want to migrate my standalone info (sites, passwords, et al.) to the Account version.

I've watched the video, but my standalone 1Password (I don't have mini-1Password) did not prompt me to Add This Account to 1Password.

So I tried following the instructions below the video, but I don't recall receiving a QR code nor know where to find it.

Set-up fatigue fog is setting in, and when I saw a prompt that asked me to delete my standalone version, I panicked and decided to ask you to walk me through this properly before I lose years-worth of passwords. :)



1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: El Capitan 10.11.6
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Migrating 1Password local to new 1Password Account on iMac


  • Hi @drtomlogan - Thank you for checking in with us before deleting anything ;-) Congrats on the new account. The QR code is listed on your Emergency Kit. You can locate your Emergency Kit by signing into your account -

    Log into your account here - > Once you're signed in, click on your name in the upper right hand side > Select "My Profile" from the drop down menu > Then click on the generate Emergency Kit. Keep this in a safe & secure location.

    Keep us posted if you were able to locate your Emergency Kit or have any additional questions. Have a nice day!

  • drtomlogan
    Community Member
    edited February 2017

    Thanks. I did find the emergency kit, and I now see a QR code, but I'm already logged in with my new Account info on the 1Password 6 app that I just downloaded, so I apparently don't need that QR code. :)

    So the question is still: How do I move all my data over from my old standalone 1Password to this new 1Password 6 Account?

  • Great question @drtomlogan and I'll be happy to assist you. May I ask where is all your existing 1Password data currently located? Do you currently have all your data within your Primary vault in 1Password 6 on your Mac? Keep me posted then I will be in a better position to assist you.

  • drtomlogan
    Community Member

    For my own clarity:

    1Password (v 3.8.21) is the standalone (my term) version that I've had on iMac for years. (I also have it connected via my Dropbox for use other computers and devices.) I presume that vault--with all my sites & passwords--resides on my iMac.

    1Password Annual Subscription is what I signed up for at the 1Password site today.

    1Password 6 is the app that I downloaded today on my iMac. I have signed into it with the new Account information (new account key, et al.) that I received when I signed up for the 1Password Annual Subscription. But I have not connected 1Password 6 in any way to my previous 1Password standalone data, so I presume none of my data is in the 1Password 6 app.

    (I don't suppose there's a chat feature where we could just breeze through this, is there?)

    • Tom
  • Hi @drtomlogan - Sorry this is the best place to get in touch with us at the moment. If we need to discuss any personal information in private we can move the conversation over to email. May I ask what other devices, you currently have your Primary vault and Dropbox connected to? We can add your Individual account to 1Password then work on migrating the data over from there.

  • drtomlogan
    Community Member

    Other devices currently connected via Dropbox to my Primary vault: My work computer (which I do not have access to today) and an iPad (which I do have access to).

  • Fantastic!!! Thank you for confirming @drtomlogan :-)

    So let's give this a try, you can use the link below to add your Individual account to 1Password on your iPad -

    Make sure you have your Emergency Kit handy!

    Once you have added your Individual account to 1Password on your iPad, let's try to migrate your data over to your new Personal vault by following the steps outlined here -

    Let me know if this helped or if you have any additional questions :+1:

  • drtomlogan
    Community Member
    edited February 2017

    Your first link is what I linked to in my first post--and those steps didn't work on my iMac, as I said, because I never got the pop-up to "Add This Account to 1Password."

    I'm not concerned about the iPad right now, since I rarely use 1Password on it anyway. Can that wait until after we figure out how to move my standalone data from the old vault on the iMac, which is where I use 1Password 99% of the time?

  • Hi @drtomlogan - Sorry for the confusion. Since your Primary vault is already on your iPad, you just have to add the Individual account then you can move over the data. I will be happy to give you detailed steps below on how to add your Individual account to 1Password on your iPad -

    Open and unlock 1Password on your iPad > Tap settings on the bottom tab > Tap 1Password Accounts > Then tap Add Account. Then you can scan the QR Code listed on your Emergency Kit or you can sign in using your login details manually.

    Once you add the account, then follow the steps in this guide to move your items over -

    After you have migrated your existing data over to your Personal vault, the items will then sync over to your Mac. Let me know if you have any further questions.

  • drtomlogan
    Community Member

    I went ahead and tried to migrate the data using your linked instructions.

    At step 7, I am finding no "Move Items" command anywhere in the menus or displays.

  • drtomlogan
    Community Member
    edited February 2017

    My primary vault is not on my iPad.

    Why did you think that?

    From my message above:

    1Password (v 3.8.21) is the standalone (my term) version that I've had on iMac for years. (I also have it connected via my Dropbox for use other computers and devices.) I presume that vault--with all my sites & passwords--resides on my iMac.

    Let's pretend I don't have an iPad with 1Password on it.

    I just want to get my new 1Password Account on my iMac with my old 1Password data migrated into it.

  • Frank
    edited February 2017

    Hi @drtomlogan - I'm sorry for the confusion. You mentioned "Other devices currently connected via Dropbox to my Primary vault: My work computer (which I do not have access to today) and an iPad (which I do have access to)."

    This is why I suggested to start here since you have access to your Primary vault. Please clarify if this is not the case.

  • drtomlogan
    Community Member
    edited February 2017

    Let's pretend that I'm using only this iMac. How do I get my old 1Password data onto the new 1Password Account & Password 6 app?

    I did try your link above, and, as I said, I'm not seeing any "Move Items" command anywhere (step 7).

  • Hi drtomlogan - I just sent you over an email so we can continue the conversation over there. I don't want to run the risk of sharing any personal information here while we get this squared away for you. At your convenience, reply back to me and we can continue the discussion. Have a great day.

    ref: BFV-49455-894

This discussion has been closed.