Feature Request - Option to turn off save prompt on incorrect login attempts.

How difficult would it be to try and parse a page for signs of a failed login attempt and not prompt to save the incorrect credentials?

During the migration process of getting all my accounts into 1Password, I'm finding it annoying that 1Password is prompting me to save after every incorrect user/password attempt. I don't want to blacklist the site, nor do I want to turn off the autosave feature.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version:
OS Version: Win 10
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • matthew_ag
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @Thac0,

    Thanks for taking the time to write in. It certainly can be annoying to see that prompt when you can clearly see an error message on the web page saying that the credentials were actually incorrect. I'm curious though, how often you see this?

    Since this is caused by an incorrect username & password being entered, I'm wondering if this was caused by manually entering the username / password in using the keyboard? If so I would highly recommend using 1Password's form-filling feature to sign into websites instead. Using this you should be able to use the right username and password each and every time with no mistakes. If you're not able to fill your username & password on a particular website, we'd love to hear about which website(s) you're not able to fill so we can look into it and improve our filling process.

    Going back to how difficult this would be - the main problem with this is that 1Password shows the Auto-Save prompt before the login details are submitted to the website itself. The reason for this is that we detect the intent of the user to login by detecting a click on a button that resembles a "login" or "sign in" button, then if we determine that it's a new Login that 1Password doesn't know about already we give the user the option to save the Login. This unfortunately means that the way 1Password works at the moment means that at the time we show the prompt we don't know whether the login was successful or not.

    To detect that a login failed we would first need to change our detection system to wait until something changed on the page that indicates that a login occurred. This isn't straightforward because what happens after a login is submitted varies a lot between websites - some websites direct a user to a completely different web page, some stay on the same site but refresh the contents of the page. Others redirect their user to another website entirely. It would make the Auto-Save detection a lot more complex and error-prone. By detecting a login from a click on a Login item or a keyboard Enter key being pressed it means we offer Auto-Save that works for the vast majority of websites. Hopefully I've explained that clearly, let me know if you have any questions!

    Handling complexity doesn't deter us and we do have a record of at least one other person requesting this so I've also added your vote for this feature. I would love to hear back from you about how often you see this and whether trying to use the form filling works for you.

    Thanks again for writing in! :chuffed:

    Best regards,

    ref: OPX-208

  • Thac0
    Community Member

    I'm guessing this is mainly an issue for new users. I'm currently switching over to 1Password for my family. We have many sites that we've got cached credentials (but not saved passwords in the browser) that we rarely have to type passwords for. It's taking several attempts to try and remember the password, and having each failed attempt result in a prompt has my family convinced that 1Password isn't as smart as it should be!

    If detecting failed logins is too much work for the limited scope, perhaps consider just improving the user experience. From a technical user, something that allows me to focus on getting the password right without having to click cancel between each attempt or having to close 12 windows would be great. From a non-technical user, asking to save bad credentials seems confusing. (Thinking back, the difference between "update existing" and "new account" didn't seem obvious, but I'm going to have to go test to be sure.)

    In the meantime, do you have a video tutorial that addresses how to deal with bad login attempts (and other common errors)? It'd be nice to have something to point non-technical family member to so they don't feel like you have to be technically inclined to understand & use the program.

  • matthew_ag
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @Thac0,

    Thanks for your reply. I remembering having to try and remember non-cached passwords - while it is a bit of a distant memory for me as I've used 1Password for a while now it wasn't pleasant having to try various combinations of historical passwords until I hit the right one. Hopefully it will be something you won't need to worry about soon too :chuffed:

    On 1Password for Mac, there's an option in the Autosave popup to disable the 1Password Auto-Save prompt for this website, it would have been handy to recommend this for you but unfortunately 1Password for Windows 6 doesn't have something like this. Hopefully it'll appear sometime in the future. For now, on Windows I can recommend two approaches:

    • The best would be to temporarily disable Autosave for that website in 1Password for Windows's Option > Browsers > Auto-Save settings page. Then enable it again to save the remembered Login.
    • The other option would be to disable the 1Password extension in the browser.

    Unfortunately, they're both non-trivial for the average user. Sorry about that, hopefully you won't hit too many of these kinds of websites.

    Regarding some guides for your family you asked for, we don't have video guide specifically for how to deal with bad login attempts. I think my two suggestions above would be the best thing to do there. We do have some great videos about how to use the 1Password extension and what you can do with it. These YouTube guides show how to use the 1Password extension (while these demo-ing 1Password for Mac, however the flow is much the same on Windows):

    If you have any other questions, I'd be happy to help.

    Best regards,

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