Create New Item in 1Password Mini

Community Member

How do I create a new item from 1Password mini? (i.e. to save a license key I received via email.)
It seems rather cumbersome to have to open the main app for this, is that truly the only way?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @flexx,

    1Password Mini can offer to save new Logins it detects through the browser, but it is not able to create other 1Password items (such as Software Licenses and Credit Cards).

    Many of the 1Password item types have far more fields than a typical login (which are just username & password) so it can be difficult to fit all those fields into mini's small UI.

    We'll keep our eyes out for opportunities to expand what Mini can do. Thanks for your feedback.

    – Andrew

  • flexx
    Community Member

    Thanks for getting back so quickly, Andrew. I understand the complexity resulting from various types of Logins etc.
    But perhaps the solution to fewer clicks would be as simple as adding a URI-type connector in the pull-down "Open 1Password & Create New Item"... just trying to help :-)

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Thank you for the suggestion and feedback, @flexx! We're always trying to improve 1Password, so it really helps to hear from our customers about what sort of changes or features would be most useful for them. I can't promise whether or not we'll add an option for that in 1Password mini, but I can see how it would be helpful, so perhaps it's something our developers will consider.

    We're here for you if you need anything else. Cheers! :)

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