[Feature Request] Rearrange sections

Community Member
edited March 2017 in Mac

Hi, can you make it possible to rearrange sections, I mean it's possible right now to rearrange items inside sections but not the sections

1Password Version: 6.6
Extension Version: 6.6
OS Version: OSX Sierra
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • @MathiasGilson,

    Thanks for your feedback. I can certainly see how that could be useful, and have filed this request as OPM-4898.


    ref: OPM-4898

  • MathiasGilson
    Community Member

    Thanks !

  • @MathiasGilson,

    :) :+1:


  • invenio
    Community Member

    If it helps on voting for product enhancements on the backlog, this is something I'd like to see as well. – Thanks.

  • @invenio,

    Nothing to report at this time, its still on the list of requests as OPM-4898.


    ref: OPM-4898

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Community Member


    This is something that's been requested for several years now if you look back into the history in the forums. It disappoints and concerns me that it's taking so long for something so basic. I'm admittedly a bit OCD with how I organize my stuff, so not having this simple feature adds a lot of extra time to my maintenance of various items I have in 1Password (I have quite a few lengthy items for servers and such with a ton of data in them each, and I like to have them all in the same section order when possible), as I end up re-creating some of them just to keep the section orders synchronized between all of the similar items.

    How can it possibly take so long to implement such a basic UI feature? I feel like this request has been "ignored". You may not see it that way, but customers do. And it's been far too long now, knowing it's been in the forums for so many years. I love the application and what you guys are doing to keep people informed and secure, I really do support you guys. It just seriously concerns me as a paying subscriber to the product when these types of really basic things seem to be ignored for so long.


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited October 2017

    Hi @DustinDauncey -- thanks for re-upping your request for this feature. :)

    To answer your question of how long or how much work it would take to implement this particular feature, I can tell you from experience it's often a significantly different amount than you think. I've worked here for three years now, and I'm very familiar with 1Password. Often, I have a pretty good idea of what a specific user request or bug fix might involve and how time consuming it might be. Yet because I am not a developer myself, I am sometimes surprised in both directions when it comes to such estimates: some items I would have estimated to be fairly trivial turn out to actually take a considerably greater amount of time and effort because they involve multiple issues under the surface. Then, other times, something I would've expected to be a major project or addition turns out to be comparatively easily done. So I'd caution you and anyone else assuming this or that particular feature/fix/upgrade would be 'trivial'. You might be right...or it might not be nearly the cinch it appears.

    More importantly, how much work a particular feature would require is far from the only - and often not even the primary - consideration we have to take into account. We also have to consider the overall volume of other issues on developers' plates, the limited number of developer-cycles in any given week/month, how many users are requesting a given thing, how many users a given issue would/does affect, its relative importance to other features and fixes, and numerous other factors. I'm not asking for AgileBits to be pitied for having to make these choices, but I hope the preceding gives some insight into why a given issue may linger in the "to-do" stack for longer than might seem required.

    If I - or any of my colleagues who have answered any of the previous requests for this feature from you - thought it was something we just weren't ever likely to do (and we definitely get requests where we can tell right away for various reasons it's not something we're going to attempt), we would find as kind a way as possible to let you know, including the reasons why we wouldn't be pursuing your request. That's not the case here, but not having said "no" outright also doesn't mean this is the next thing on our agenda. I would describe this request as solidly in the "someday" category for now.

    I can see from the energy you put into these requests that this isn't the answer you were hoping for, and I think I can speak for all of us who've corresponded with you on this issue when I say it never makes us happy to disappoint a user -- even if it is sometimes unavoidable. But I hope you'll take some comfort in hearing how glad we are to hear from passionate users like you; an engaged community is - in my opinion, anyway - one of the things that keeps 1Password moving forward and leading the pack when it comes to password management. We're always grateful for requests, feedback and even the occasional complaint, because it shows our users care about the direction of 1Password as much as we do. Thanks for writing in, and have a great rest of your week.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Community Member

    Hi @Lars,

    I thankfully work for a software development company. As such, I am luckily familiar with the concept that what may seem like a simple request is often not being nearly as simple. I can appreciate the points you are making, from "simple" claims not being so simple to balancing it with development time and the number of bugs / requests in the queue, importance, etc. I fully understand and agree with those as things to consider.

    With that said, I just don't buy that it's possibly so complicated or that nobody has had time to develop it or that it's so low on the priority list (implying nobody's really asking for it), when it's been requested by a lot of people in your own forums for several years now.\

    I see things like the following in the release notes of various versions lately.

    • "The 1Password.com Account Key is now called your Secret Key"
    • "You can now access the settings menu directly while option-clicking the 1Password mini icon in the menu bar"
    • "Save or print your emergency kit from the Account menu!"

    Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the above improvements too. But they're relatively minor to me and I'm sure many more than just me, when so many people are asking for very basic things like movable sections and 2-way linking of reference items, etc. which arguably should have been in there from the beginning. I just can't help but think that sometimes the priorities are misplaced (while still well intentioned I'm sure).

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    With that said, I just don't buy that it's possibly so complicated or that nobody has had time to develop it or that it's so low on the priority list (implying nobody's really asking for it), when it's been requested by a lot of people in your own forums for several years now.\

    @DustinDauncey: Well, we get a request every few months or so, but that's in contrast to things we're asked about every day, often many times per day, depending on the subject.

    I see things like the following in the release notes of various versions lately. [...] Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the above improvements too. But they're relatively minor to me and I'm sure many more than just me, when so many people are asking for very basic things like movable sections and 2-way linking of reference items, etc. which arguably should have been in there from the beginning. I just can't help but think that sometimes the priorities are misplaced (while still well intentioned I'm sure).

    I know the point you're trying to make, but literally those are wording and menu tweaks, not UI modifications that require design and changes under the hood, in addition to testing to make sure nothing else is not broken when changing things that have been static since they were introduced. Those are probably just bad examples. And given that you yourself characterize what you're requesting here as "minor" and "basic", I hope you'll appreciate that there's a reason this is not a high priority, especially when it has implications that go beyond the superficial. We're not going to prioritize making "minor", "basic" changes that could break things for people unless there's a really, really good reason (security, for instance), or we know we have the bandwidth to make sure we give it the attention it needs — not because it's a super critical thing, but because messing with people's workflow is. Thanks for understanding.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Community Member

    That’s disappointing to hear.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Not what you were hoping for, but I'd rather not mislead you. Much like you, we just can't say "yes" to every request.

  • philmcole
    Community Member
    edited November 2017

    +1 for this. I really want to be able to rearrange whole sections.

    I'm kind of disappointed that this has not been implemented yet...
    Just look at this quick history:
    2014 April - Feature Request: Ability to Rearrange Sections
    2015 April - Feature Request: Rearrange sections
    2016 Sept - request: rearrange Sections
    2017 Jan - Request: UI: Rearranging sections
    2017 March - this thread
    2017 Nov - now ...

    I can't believe when you say some features are more difficult to implement than they seem when the first request is already almost 4 years old. What else should we as Power Users do to give you the feeling that those features are important? I get that you work on new fancy 1Password Online Services and stuff but please don't become like Apple who put in a huge amount of work so that you can project your face onto a pile of [inappropriate language removed by AgileBits staff — this is a family-friendly support forum] and let it speak instead of doing some useful stuff like an iTunes rework etc.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @philmcole - Yep, like brenty mentioned, we do indeed get requests for this, but not at a rate which, when combined with the number of users affected, the urgency of the need, the amount of other work we have on our plates, and number of available developer cycles, adds up to having been able to get to this yet. I get that you'd like this feature, along with other folks in this thread. And while we'd love to be able to say "yes" to every request we get, even if we set out to do that, we'd fail because some requests are literally diametrically opposed to what other users want. And that's to say nothing of what WE think is a good direction for 1Password to take, nor does it take into account all the other factors I just mentioned above.

    The bottom line on this is that there are some feature requests that we are never going to do because we don't think they're good ideas. This isn't one of those. There are also plenty of others that fall into what I'd call the "someday/maybe" stack, for if/when we have available developer hours. I'd say this falls into that category, though the landscape is always changing. We do appreciate every single person's thoughts who cares enough to drop by here or our email queue and voice their desires, so thanks for being part of an active and engaged user base. :)

  • ajh0912
    Community Member

    I'd really like to see re-orderable sections

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for letting us know! There are other things which are requested far more often, but I do hope we'll be able to add this feature in a future version as well. Cheers! :)

This discussion has been closed.