1Password 6 not working with RoyalTSX

Community Member
edited March 2017 in Mac

Good day, I loaded the emergency fix recently as 1Password stopped opening. I found the link on your site and the process corrected the "open vault" issue. However, we use RoyalTSX with its 1Password integration. This was working fine until I applied the update. Now, if I try to open the vault in the application I get the following:

"An error occurred while loading a 1Password vault"
"(Failed to load 1Password)

1Password Version: 6.6.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.12.3
Sync Type: Cloud


  • craigneill
    Community Member

    Please advise if you are able to assist based on this screenshot

  • @craigneill,

    Do you recall the last version you used that was able to work? I ask because we made some changes to 1Password around 6.5 that completely changed how 1Password talks to browser extensions such that they required a bunch of additional code be implemented by clients in order to talk to 1Password. I'm not super familiar with Royal TSX but I am quite familiar with how our browser extension mutual authentication works.

    I would definitely recommend contacting their support and having them get in contact with us at <support+security @ agilebits. com> to get the details for how the mutual authentication scheme works.


  • craigneill
    Community Member

    Thanks, yes I did contact them and they acknowledged that it stopped working with the last update that was released. They have made a patch and should be available soon. Thanks for your feedback.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    On behalf of Rudy, you're very welcome - and thank you for following up to let us know what you heard back from Royal TSX support! Hopefully their patch is available soon and gets things back to normal for you.

    If you need more help with 1Password, just let us know. :)

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