1password will only let me read login not let me use login i have a key with 34 character

Community Member

1password only let me read them cannot login with it

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:computer failed when it came back on 1password will only let me read login not login


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @jackb77,

    I'm sorry you're having trouble with 1Password! We'll be happy to help you with this, but we'll need to know more details about the problem and your setup. Can you please let us know the following:

    • What version of OS X / macOS are you running on your Mac?
    • What exact version of the 1Password app is installed on your Mac?
    • Are you using the AgileBits Store version or the Mac App Store version of 1Password? (You can find this in the same window as the version number.)
    • Are you having a problem with one specific Login item, or with all Login items?
    • What happens when you try to use a Login item?
    • Do you see any error messages? If so, what do they say?
    • Is the problem happening in the main 1Password app, the 1Password extension in your web browser, or both?
    • If you're having trouble in your web browser, what browser are you using, and what version?
    • What version of the 1Password extension is installed in your browser?
    • Do you use a 1Password.com account? If not, do you use one of the sync options in 1Password (1Password.com account, Dropbox, iCloud, WLAN Server)?
    • Did you recently switch from the AgileBits Store version of 1Password to the Mac App Store version?
    • Did you recently upgrade from an older version of 1Password? If so, was it a previous version of 1Password 6, or an older version such as 1Password 3?

    Thanks in advance! :)

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