REQ: Bookmarks using onepasswordfill should access all vaults

Community Member
edited March 2017 in 1Password in the Browser

I would like to ask that any URL bookmark that is using the onepasswordfill feature should be able to search/access ALL of the vaults within my account. Even those that are not enabled under "All Vaults ⌘0".

I have created many bookmarks with onepasswordfill arguments but 1P fails to autofill the login fields if that vault isn't currently selected.
For example, one of the bookmarks I use often is to log into my company phone administration site so the entry is stored in the Work vault. Usually I have my Personal vault selected, therefore clicking on the bookmark loads the website but does not autofill the credentials.

My 1P account has many vaults and I switch between them a lot so the chance of 1P having the proper vault selected is slim.
Even more useful is when I have a rarely used bookmark which points to an entry that is configured to "Never display in browser". When I select such a bookmark but the vault wasn't selected, I then have to click on the 1P icon and switch vaults, but that entry isn't shown so I can't simply select it. I then have to go through my bookmark menus (often many levels deep) to select that bookmark again just so the autofill works.

As you can see, it can be frustrating and complicated sometimes. I may be in the minority of users that take advantage of the onepasswordfill feature but when it works, it is awesome. When it doesn't, grrrrrr.


1Password Version: 6.6.2
Extension Version: Chrome beta
OS Version: macOS 10.12.3
Sync Type:


  • matthew_ag
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @Smudge,

    Thanks for taking the time to write in about your idea - I haven't been able to reproduce the same behaviour you see though. Let me describe what I did just in case it wasn't exactly what you had in mind.

    In my case I did the following:

    1. Reset 1Password so I have an empty Primary vault, then created a second empty vault. I called it "Secondary".
    2. Opened Preferences > Vaults and set "All Vaults" to only include "Secondary".
    3. Closed Preferences and opened my browser on a web page with a simple web login form.
    4. I saved a login to 1Password in my "Primary" vault.
    5. Then I create a 1Password bookmarklet by going back to the main 1Password app and dragging the Login item to my Chrome bookmarks.
    6. In 1Password I switch to my "Secondary" vault which is empty.
    7. So now if I view that same web page in the browser and click the 1Password extension button, the Login item won't show up.
    8. However if I click on the bookmarklet in my Chrome bookmarks, the web page opens and the Login is filled.

    It sounds like for you step 8 resulted in the page opening but the Login not filling. Would this be right or maybe I misunderstood?

    Thanks again for writing in - looking forward to hearing back!

    Best regards,

  • Smudge
    Community Member
    edited March 2017

    Yes that is correct. It fails at step 8.

    Doing some testing while writing up my response, I discovered why it was not filling in the form, a new [lack of feature] bug, and a new REQ.

    So, why wasn't it working? My 1P bookmarklets were created a long time ago (but in this galaxy) before the multiple vault feature, therefore the bookmark URLs only contained the onepasswordfill=UUID argument. With only the UUID of the item, 1P could complete the form if that UUID was in the active vault. If it wasn't, 1P wasn't able to find it because obviously 1P currently only looks in the active vaults (hence my original request). A proper bookmarklet should contain a onepasswordfill=ItemUUID&onepasswordvault=VaultUUID argument so that 1P knows what item and vault to look at.

    Perhaps 1P should be modified so that if a URL doesn't contain a VaultUUID, it would search all vaults for the ItemUUID?

    How did I discover this? That brings me to the new [lack of feature] bug. While testing during my original response writeup, I was reproducing the environment as @matthew_ag described but I was having a problem with step 5.
    For as long as I can remember, I've unable to create a bookmarklet by dragging the Login Item into Chrome. It appears during the drag but dropping it anywhere within Chrome does nothing. Your description in step 5 sounded so simple that I must be selecting the wrong part while dragging. So I tried every way I could by click-dragging each section, column, value, etc. of the item but nothing worked.

    I then remembered that 1P has options for different view layouts. My preferred view is with the items listed at the top in a multi-column format using the View > Item List Layout > Top menu. The default view is with the items in a center pane and large icons, chosen from the View > Item List Layout > Left menu. Behold, once I switched views, I was easily able to click-drag the item from the list into Chrome.

    To see the differences in the content during a click-drag between these layouts, I tried both ways by dragging an item into a plain text editor.

    • When in Top layout, it shows a ghosted form of the item columns while dragging but when dropping the item, nothing appeared. So in this layout, the dragged item doesn't actually contain exportable content.
    • Switching over to Left layout, dropping the item puts down the first URL from the item but it includes the onepasswordfill=ItemUUID&onepasswordvault=VaultUUID arguments.

    As soon as I saw the URL now contains onepasswordvault, I realized the cause of my issue is that my old bookmarks don't have this necessary information.

    BUG: Dragging an item from the Top layout does not contain the item URL. It should behave in the same manner as when dragging the item from the Left layout.

    Finally, this brings me to mention another feature request.
    REQ: The advanced preferences feature to copy the item's UUID and/or JSON needs to be updated to include the item's Vault UUID too. Or rename Copy UUID to Copy Item UUID then add a new one of Copy Item and Vault UUIDs, which could be in a onepasswordfill=ItemUUID&onepasswordvault=VaultUUID format.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @Smudge,

    I've filed the bug report regarding the different behaviour when using the Top Item List Layout.

    I'm unsure that we'll ever see 1Password default to searching All Vaults if only the ItemUUID is present though. The reason we added the VaultUUID to the list of parameters is because while possibly staggeringly unlikely, the ItemUUID is not guaranteed to be unique across a set of vaults and as the available vaults can change over time for a variety of reasons I'm fairly confident that the answer to such a request will be no. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised that any such discussion could end up with stricter requirements to eliminate the possibility of filling with a potentially wrong item as that's the risk that is seen here.

    You make a good point about the advance options. We may need to have a new one for copying a vault UUID now. I hadn't thought about it before but for the same reasons it can be sometimes useful to copy an item's UUID it could be useful to do the same with the vault UUID.

    ref: OPM-4910

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