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My 15mo old 1password purchase outdated?

Community Member

Hello, I was reading about how 1password was changed to a subscription based service in a thread over on slashdot, and I was surprised. 15 months ago I purchased a 1password 4 license for $31.99, and I'm two major versions behind? Are you even maintaining that version for the people like me who, frankly, thought it was a good investment? if you are not maintaining it anymore, even Microsoft doesn't throw products into the end-of-life bin this fast.

1Password Version:
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:$31.99


  • john_m
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @tanek! Allow me to put your fears at rest - 1Password 4 is still the latest version of 1Password for our standalone licence customers, and is fully supported by ourselves. It got a bugfix update back in December, and we will continue to support it going forward.

    The naming convention is a historical artefact only. When we started out with 1Password (or 1Passwd as it was known then), it was a Mac-only application. We were already a few major version numbers advanced on the Mac when we first introduced 1Password for Windows. As it was a new app on Windows, with no pedigree, we decided to just call it "1Password for Windows", with no version number. And so, as a result, 1Password for Windows has always been a few version numbers "behind" 1Password for Mac, even though it's our flagship Windows app.

    When we debuted our subscription service in late 2015, we didn't have a Windows app that was capable of talking to our service. Windows had also undergone a lot of technological improvements since development of 1Password 4 had started, so we decided to start fresh with a new codebase. We also took the opportunity to jump a version number or two, and name the new app "1Password 6" to match our other platforms; we figured the tradeoff of a little confusion for existing customers was worth reducing confusion for all future customers. 1Password 6 for Windows is still in active development along-side 1Password 4 for Windows - one supported app for subscription customers, one supported app for licence customers.

    I hope that helps to put your mind at ease! :chuffed:

  • tanek
    Community Member

    Thanks man. So can new customers get the iPassword 4 for Windows license, or are all new customers required to subscribe to iPassword 6?

  • john_m
    1Password Alumni

    @tanek You're very welcome! 1Password standalone licences are still available for sale; our subscription accounts offer many advantages compared to a standalone licence, and so for almost everyone a subscription account is the best way to go. You can read more about why we feel our accounts are the best way to use 1Password we've ever had here:

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