Creditcard payment did fill my new Creditcard items except the CVC was my previous CVC code

Community Member

Yesterday I've got a new MasterCard (with the same card number as my old one) and I changed the Expiration Date and CVC code in 1Password. I also deleted my old creditcard in the garbage tray.

This morning I did a payment and used the form fill feature at A-MAC.NL. 1Password did fill my new Creditcard items Card number and Expiration Date correctly, except the CVC code was my previous CVC code. I checked in 1Password my CVC code and that exposed my new CVC code.
The CVC code I have add a field named "Verificatiecode" (Dutch)

How is that possible?

Beta version:
1Password 6
Version 6.6.1 (661010)
AgileBits Store

1Password Version: 6.6.1
Extension Version: 661010
OS Version: 10.12.3
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • WGBeekhuis
    Community Member

    I examined my other devices and it seemed that the CVC code on my Windows PC, iPad and iPhone still showed me the old CVC.
    When I checked out my MacBook Pro I noticed that there was added a section Conflicts where also the Verification code was added and in that item I had changed the CVC. In the Top-section the verification code I saw the old one.

    My workaround is as follows:
    On my MacBook Pro I made a duplicate Credit Card item and I deleted the Conflicts section and all their items. I changed the Verification code and I checked all my other devices after the Dropbox sync. Now I noticed all my Creditcard items are the same. I keep this duplicate and deletes the original with the Conflict section.

    Maybe you can explain what can be the reasons is that a Conflict section appears after a change.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @WGBeekhuis,

    I'm glad you were able to get this all sorted out once you noticed the new verification number had been moved to the 'Conflicts' section!

    I don't know the specific reason why this conflict happened, but in general, conflicts show up when 1Password is unable to determine which copy of an item has the newer information during a sync. When that happens, 1Password saves the conflicting information in a 'Conflict' fields to make sure that data is not lost.

    Now, there are different reasons why 1Password might not be able to tell which copy of an item has the newer data. For example, if you were to make different changes to the same item on different devices before a sync took place, 1Password wouldn't know which change was the "correct" one. Or something could have happened in Dropbox which caused it to create a conflict file.

    Conflicts like this should rarely happen, but they are a possible/natural side effect of syncing. If for some reason you notice more conflicts happening on a regular basis, please let us know so we can look further into it. But if this was an isolated incident, it's nothing to worry about.

    I hope this helps, but we're here for you if you have more questions. Have a great weekend! :)

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