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Additional Vaults

Community Member

So, my account is set up as a Family account. Right now, I have the only Vault.....the Personal Vault. If I created a new Vault for a family member, is there a password created that's associated with that vault? And does the family member use that password as their master password, or just to access their vault? I guess I'm confused as to how additional vaults work.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @TDK1044 - Great question! When you create an additional vault to share with family members, there is no password associated to the vault. You can create as many additional vaults as you want - no limit. For example, I have a vault for "work", "house related stuff" and "Batman" - codename for my son before we could come up with a name for him ;-) I will include a helpful link below that will walk you through creating additional Shared vaults and how to share them with the family -

    I hope this helped and keep us posted if you have any additional questions, I'll be happy to assist :+1:

  • TDK1044
    Community Member

    So, Frank, if I have to give a family member the master password, they would then have access to my Personal Vault? Because how would the software know that it isn't me?

  • Hi @TDK1044 - Oh no sorry for the confusion there. You have to invite your family members over to join the account. When you send them an invitation to join, they will go through the same set up process as you. We will provide them with a Secret Key and they will have an opportunity to create their own Master Password. Everyone in the family will have their own unique Secret Key and Master Password. They will then set up the apps and sign into the account just like you :-)

    You can start inviting family members over by logging into the account > Click on the account name in the upper right hand side > Select " Admin Console" from the drop down menu then click on the Invitation tab at the top. Let me know if this helps or if you have any additional questions. :+1:

  • TDK1044
    Community Member

    Thanks for the info, Frank.

  • Anytime @TDK1044, we're always more than happy to help out. If you come across any additional questions as you start inviting family members to join the account, keep us posted :+1:

  • TDK1044
    Community Member

    Would I have created a vault for them, or do they do that when they log on?

  • Hi @TDK1044 - Each family member by default receives a Personal & Shared vault. Personal vaults can only be accessed by that member, not by you or anyone else. All members also get access to a Shared vault, and you can create additional vaults to share with specific members and manage things a bit more :+1: I hope this helped and let me know if you have any further questions.

  • TDK1044
    Community Member

    Great. Thanks.

  • Anytime and you're very welcome :smile:

This discussion has been closed.