Trouble syncing vaults from Mac + agilebits

Community Member

Hi there! I'm not entirely sure how to explain this, but I'll do my best.

I had 1password on my Macbook some time ago - maybe 2-3 years ago? I can't remember, exactly, but it never asked me to create an account or anything, so that was all good.

I have an account now and it seems to have synced in terms of the billing, but my vaults aren't quite synced. Everything I need is on my Mac/Android, which is good, but if I'm on thing to look at my vaults, nothing is there. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

1Password Version: 6.6.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:vault


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @robbin,

    Thanks for reaching out to us for help! If I understand, you're using a account, and you have all your data on both Mac and Android, but that data doesn't appear on

    In that case, it sounds like your data is currently stored in local vaults in the Mac and Android apps. A "local vault" is the kind of vault you would have been using for the past few years, and it is not part of your new account. For example, if you have a vault named "Primary" in 1Password on your Mac, that's a local vault, and its contents do not sync with your account.

    But don't worry, this is easy to fix! You just need to move your data from your local vault to your new account vault. If you have not yet signed into your account from the 1Password app, please follow the steps here: Set up the apps and import your data

    When you sign into your account in 1Password for Mac, it should ask if you want to move your items to your account vault. But if you've already signed into your account in the app, you'll need to move the items yourself - just switch to your Primary vault, select all items, and go to Item > Share > Personal > Move. We have more detailed steps here: Move items between vaults

    Once you've moved your items from the Primary (local) vault to the Personal (account) vault, you can delete the Primary vault, as you'll no longer need it. (Just switch to the Primary vault and go to 1Password > Delete Vault in the menu bar.) If you're signed into your account in the Android app, the data you move to your account vault will automatically sync there too, so you only need to move the items one time (on your Mac).

    Does that help? Please let us know how it goes, and if you have any trouble with that, we'll continue from there. :)

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