1Password mini has different login data

Community Member


I am having a problem with 1Password mini containing different information than 1Password. I noticed this when I created a new login in 1Password and favorited it. A week later, the login has yet to appear in mini (the iOS app is fine). This doesn't seem to be a systemic problem since other logins I've updated in the meantime DO appear in mini.

I've tried:
Restart 1Password mini
Deleting 1Password and reinstalling from the app store

1Password Version: 6.6.2
Extension Version: 4.6.3
OS Version: 10.12.3
Sync Type: iCloud


  • Pilar
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Storm53

    I'm sorry to hear that you're having some trouble with 1Password! It sounds like you might have multiple copies of 1Password installed: perhaps both from our site and from the Mac AppStore. This is the main culprit when we experience symptoms like the ones you describe. Could you please go to Finder > Applications and look up for 1Password within the Apps folder? Please let us know if you find more than one version of 1Password (you might see both 1Password and 1Password 6 for example).

    I'd also like to ask you to please check in the browser extension and see if you find the same kind of issues as you find in mini. What you find out will help us get a better idea of what's going on and how we can help you! :chuffed:

  • Storm53
    Community Member
    edited March 2017

    Thanks for responding. I checked the applications folder; the only copy of 1Password is version 6.6.2 (from the app store).

    The browser extension shows the same thing as mini.

    I did an experiment, and went into 1Password and favorited a different login. This showed up in the mini favorites as normal. I then created a duplicate of the problem login item, deleted the original, and favorited that. Same problem as before -- doesn't show up in mini favorites. So could it be an issue with just that one login?

  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    @Storm53 try this:

    1. In the main 1Password app edit the troublesome login.
    2. Towards the bottom of the main item pane, when editing, look for the display field.
    3. Ensure the display field is set to Always.

    Does that help?


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    @Stephen_C, you read my mind! :lol:

    @Storm53, did Stephen's suggestion help? If that item was set to never display in the browser, that would definitely explain the problem you described. Let us know how it goes, thanks! :)

  • Storm53
    Community Member

    Hi everyone,

    That did work! I wasn't aware that feature existed, so I must have hit it by accident. Thanks for all your help! :)

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    That's great news, I'm glad that solved the problem! Hopefully you're all set now, but if you have more questions or need anything else, just let us know. :)

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