Revert to old vault

Community Member

I first started using 1Password from the MacApp store. When I started having a problem, I was supplied with the beta download version so that I could try to track the problem down. When version 6.6.2 of the AppStore version came out, I started using that. This morning I found that I had lost the sync to Dropbox, and that I was using an old vault. Have you ever heard of that happening?

Also, what files are necessary in Dropbox? I thought that with the OPVault version, the 1Password agile keychain might be unnecessary. But it seems like it is. I'd just like to understand this a little better. Thanks.

1Password Version: 6.6.2
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.12.3
Sync Type: dropbox


  • dougmon
    Community Member

    I've just about decided this was user error, or some glitch when I removed the beta and reinstalled. In any case, I've switched to having a 1password account, so the dropbox thing is no longer an issue.

  • Hi @dougmon,

    The most likely scenario I can think of that explains what you saw is that the Mac App Store and the AgileBits version of 1Password don't share a data folder and you had configured them differently.

    OPVault is the current interchange format for getting data from 1 copy of 1Password to another. Agilekeychain was the previous format.

    Its good to hear that you've switch to a account, do let us know if you have any questions.


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