Newbie question: Autofill? Especially for non sensitive info like email address?


Is there a setting in 1Password to autofill fields without going into the mini menu once I've logged into 1Password? And when it comes to non sensitive data like my email address, is there a way to designate it as non-sensitive so I don't have to log in to access it via the mini menu?

Thanks, Gregg

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @GreggeGregg,

    1Password is designed to only fill when instructed I'm afraid and as the vault(s) are encrypted can only access the data once unlocked. So we don't have any kind of autofill where it happens without the user initiating it, filling will only happen with you use either the 1Password Browser Extension button to invoke 1Password mini or the keyboard shortcuts ⌘\ to fill the current page with a Login item or ⌥⌘\ to make the 1Password mini menu appear and all of this will only happen if your vault is unlocked.

    We have a support page, How to set 1Password to lock automatically that may be of use to control when 1Password locks.

  • GreggeGregg
    Community Member

    I just realized I can autofill some or all of this un-sensitive data just using my browser...Thanks for your response! Gregg

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @GreggeGregg,

    Please let us know if you have any other questions about 1Password and we'll do our best to answer :smile:

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @GreggeGregg: Indeed, since the browser can do this, I'm not sure that there's a need to "reinvent the wheel" so to speak. Also, many people use 1Password because they're privacy conscious, and while an email address is not really "sensitive information", many people do want to keep theirs private as much as possible, often going to lengths to use separate "throw away" accounts for different purposes. So just in general principle it's better for 1Password to only do what we tell it to, since it can accommodate more people that way. Cheers! :)

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