1PW 6 stops recognizing mouse clicks

Community Member

This has been a long-standing intermittent problem through many recent versions of 1PW 6. I keep 1Password application up and running on my Mac all the time. Sometimes when I switch to the program it will not recognize a mouse click anywhere in the main window. I can't click to select a category in the sidebar, and can't click to select an item in the items list. If I hover the cursor over a data element such as "username" or "website", then the appropriate pop-up (copy, open-and-fill) appears. But again, clicking on them does nothing. I can't click on the Search box to activate it, but if it happens to be in focus when I switch to the app, then I can type in the search field and the item list shows the search results. I can't select any of those results with the mouse, but the keyboard up/down arrow keys allow me to scroll through the list. While all this is going on, the menu bar works normally and I can use the mouse to select menu items.

My standard "fix" for this has been to simply quit and relaunch 1PW, which works every time to restore functionality. Today I discovered that I can also fix the problem by using the Window menu to close and reopen the main 1Password window.

Any thoughts as to what might be causing this? I will mention that I use Smart Scroll and SteerMouse pref panes, which both influence mouse behavior.


1Password Version: 6.6.2
Extension Version: 4.6.3
OS Version: OS X 10.11.6
Sync Type: Drop-box


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @mike429,

    That's really a very strange problem! I don't think I've come across something like that before, so I appreciate the detailed description. Thanks! :)

    I'm not sure why that's happening, but my first guess is that Smart Scroll and/or SteerMouse are involved, since they seem to be the most likely culprits. Would it be possible to disable both of those preference panes to see if it makes a difference for 1Password? It sounds like you'd need to keep them disabled for at least a little while to be sure, since the problem is intermittent. Please let us know how it goes!

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