Where are my attached files stored?

Community Member

I have an identity setup. I have attached some JPG files (passport, driver's license). I sync with DropBox. Are my attachments also stored in the 1password database (in DropBox)? Am I able to see the attachments on other computers and devices? I have 1Password 4 on my macbook (where I attached the files), my other computer has 1password 6, and I have the latest versions on my IOS 10 iphone.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ajahn,

    Any attachments you add to items in your 1Password vault are stored in that vault on your Mac (encrypted, of course). If you sync that vault with Dropbox, the sync file in Dropbox contains an encrypted copy of the vault, including the attachments. If 1Password is syncing with that same vault on other devices, you should be able to see the attachments on those devices as well.

    Are you having any trouble with your attachments on other devices? If so, let us know what happens. Thanks! :)

  • ajahn
    Community Member

    Seems to be working. I tried looking at the attachments on my iPhone and I could see them. What about "sharing" with my son? He has his own copy of 1Password. If I share as an email, for example, will the image be included? Would he have to attach the image separately? I assume so. But it would be cool if you could include attachments when sharing :-) Might make the attachment big, but it would still be cool.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ajahn,

    Are you asking about the option to share an item via Item > Share > Mail? If so, any attachments in that item will not be included. Also, I should mention that if you share an item with someone else that way, what you're really doing is sending that person a separate copy of the item - any changes you make to the original item won't sync to the copy you sent.

    If you're interested in sharing 1Password data with your son and/or other family members, have you considered trying a 1Password Families account? It's possible you've already read about 1Password Families in other discussions on our forums, but I wanted to mention it just in case you haven't, as it makes sharing 1Password data with others very easy.

    As always, if you have more questions, you know where to find us! ;)

  • ajahn
    Community Member

    Right, I realize that it will not keep synced. I have done this in the past to my son, when I send him items that I have related to his personal accounts (password for his college account, etc). Stuff we keep handy that he too should also have.
    Yes, I've looked at 1Password Families. I don't want to share ALL the data, just a few items he might need.
    Thanks for your help.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    You're very welcome, @ajahn!

    Just to be clear, you wouldn't need to share all your data with your son if you signed up for 1Password Families. You would share only the items you wanted to share (by moving them to a Shared vault). The items you leave in your own Personal vault would be accessible by only you. It's ok if you're not interested in 1Password Families of course, but I wanted to mention that in case there was a misunderstanding about how it works. :)

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