Relable auto-lock/Lock on sleep as "Lock on display sleep"

Community Member

I suggest the preferences panel item "Security: Auto-lock: Lock on sleep" be relabelled "Lock on display sleep."

This is related to, but distinct from, the request to provide a "Lock on lid close / computer sleep" (apparently tracked in your ticket OPM-2745), and there are several longish threads about that to be found. But those threads tend to wither away around the observation that not all computers have lids. That's true, of course, but all Macs do have both a "display sleep" and a completely distinct "computer sleep."

If the "lock on computer sleep" function were actually implemented (OPM-2745), the "lock on display sleep" feature would need to remain, and distinguishing labelling such as I suggest here would be needed, anyway. But even now, with no functional changes at all, the present labelling is confusing, as evinced in some of the existing discussions.

Indeed, I think introducing the lid into the discussion is a red herring. Not only does it spawn the side issue of "not all computers have lids," but it also demands a distinction between "lid-equipped laptop with no external i/o connected closes lid, resulting in computer sleep" and "lid-equipped laptop with full external i/o closes lid, leading to computer staying awake using external i/o." Not to mention the "hide this option from non-lid-equipped users to reduce confusion" detail mentioned in those other threads.

1Password Version: 1Password 6 Version 6.6.3 (663004) AgileBits Store
Extension Version:
OS Version: 10.12.2 (16C67)
Sync Type: DropBox
Referrer: forum-search:OPM-2745


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @jrepenning,

    Thank you for contacting us with your feedback about the "Lock on sleep" setting! However, I think there might be a little confusion about how it works:

    I suggest the preferences panel item "Security: Auto-lock: Lock on sleep" be relabelled "Lock on display sleep."


    ...all Macs do have both a "display sleep" and a completely distinct "computer sleep."

    The "Lock on sleep" setting in 1Password applies to both display sleep as well as computer sleep. In other words, with that setting enabled, 1Password will lock itself when either the display sleeps or the computer sleeps. Therefore, it wouldn't make sense to rename that option to refer only to display sleep.

    There was some confusion about that a while ago, and some customers have requested that we split that into two different settings: one for display sleep, and one for computer sleep. Our developers have looked into it but I believe there were problems getting it to work reliably for one or the other, and caused it to not always lock when it should.

    I hope that helps to clear up some confusion about that setting, but please let us know if you have more questions about it. Have a great weekend! :)

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