A late comment/observation on February's excitement

Community Member

Many lines have been written about February's episode with "1Password failed to connect to 1Password mini", certificates, etc. I was hit by that problem at the time, on a day where several other things were also going wrong on my computer. So I wasn't in a good mood at the time.

Today I have read a small subset of the many lines which have been written about that event, but here's one observation which I did not notice anyone else make:

At the time I tripped over the 1PW-certificate problem, I needed a password from my local database. I did not need 1PW to work with any web browsers, because it was a password that I was just going to copy&paste from 1password to a separate Terminal window. I really needed that password, due to the other things which were going wrong. Now I know I've seen the error message "1Password failed to connect to 1Password mini" several times, and every other time I just restart the application and everything is fixed. But if it is technically feasible, it would be nice if 1PW would also give the user an option to just open the database using the app. It'd be fine if the open was a read-only operation, if that's necessary for technical reasons. That's still better than being stuck in a loop of "restart the application" when a user needs some password to fix some completely unrelated problem in their own world.


1Password Version: 1Password 6 Version 6.6.3 (663004) AgileBits Store
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.10.5 (14F2109)
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • pervel
    Community Member

    The problem is that 1Password Mini, despite its innocent sounding name, really is the core of the application that does everything important. When that doesn't work, nothing works. So I don't think AgileBits can do anything about this expect work harder to make sure a problem like this doesn't happen again. :)

  • ScatterbotsNY
    Community Member

    I was afraid that might be true, but hoped that if I didn't say anything then maybe it wouldn't be true... :smile:

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @pervel: Ah, that's a really good point. I guess calling it "mini" does make it sound less significant than it is. I can't recall for certain why it's called that, but I believe it's related to the fact that it's got a rather low profile, running in the background with a menu bar icon and only showing up briefly when you open it. :blush:

    @ScatterbotsNY: I'm really sorry that you were affected by not only this issue with 1Password, but other (perhaps unrelated) problems on your computer as well. That sounds like a really bad day. While it's true that 1Password can't really function without a part so integral (literally) as 1Password mini, I'm glad that we were able to get a fix out quickly. And if you're using 1Password.com or syncing data to other devices, that gives you a good contingency plan if something happens to 1Password or you computer itself at any time. We all depend on 1Password for our most important data, so it's crucial that we don't put all of our eggs into the same basket by only having it on a single device in one location which could be susceptible to any number of catastrophes, both technical and practical. :dizzy:

  • ScatterbotsNY
    Community Member

    Well, rest assured that none of the other problems I faced that weekend were connected to 1password in any way. The mishap with 1PW was maybe 15-minutes of aggravation out of a day that was probably 12 hours long. And about 99% of the passwords on my Mac were also synced to my iPhone -- except of course for the one password that I needed at the time! Also, there were other people who had that password, but they weren't in the computer center at the time. So just some more examples of Murphy's law in action.

    Thanks for the reply. Cheers.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Any time. I've definitely had my share of days like that! Hopefully you won't have (many) more of those, and we'll do what we what we can to ensure that 1Password is part of the solution and not of of your problems next time. :blush:

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