Is there a way to filter entries by path?


I have several entries with the same domain name but with different path, e.g. and When pressing Command-\ this is disregarded and I have to manually choose the right entry although they are stored with path in the database. This is inconvenient because I have to encode the path in the title of the entry to distinguish among them. Can I make 1password care about the path?

This topic seems to be old but I have not found a recent and satisfying answer.


1Password Version: 6.6.2
Extension Version: 4.6.3
OS Version: 10.12.4
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:path matching


  • jxpx777
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, @sesc. This has come up a few times. If you haven't seen this other thread, my post here should give you a good understanding of what the status is. Does that help clarify why 1Password behaves as it does?

    Jamie Phelps
    Code Wrangler @ AgileBits
    Fort Worth, Texas

  • sesc
    Community Member

    Dear Jamie,

    thanks for the super quick reply. I saw your post but there were also many other posts in the forum that made me hope that I might be able to enable path matching somehow, e.g. I played with "Allow filling on pages that closely match saved websites". As you predicted, it didn't help me and I still do not understand what it actually does :)

    Since your post is still valid, let me rephrase my question as a kind feature request: please bring path matching back. I would have thought a checkbox "match against full url including path" should be pretty clear to all users. However, I can obviously not comment on the technical difficulties involved.


  • jxpx777
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for your gracious response, Sebastian. As I said elsewhere, we won't say "never" but it is not something we're actively exploring right now.

This discussion has been closed.