Do you recommend to enable Copy JSON/ Copy UUID on the Menu? please explain why yes or why not

Community Member

Hi, I want to know how to use Copy UUID and JSON and if is a good idea to enable them!

very useful app, VERY!
Good JOB

1Password Version: 6.6.3
Extension Version: 6.6.3
OS Version: OS 10.12.3
Sync Type: iCloud
Referrer: forum-search:Do you recommend to enable Copy JSON/ Copy UUID on the Menu? please explain if you have the time,


  • JuanchoC
    Community Member

    Thanks again!

  • rickfillion
    edited March 2017

    Hi @JuanchoC,

    For the average user, those are probably useless. It's mostly there to help us chase down really tough issues and how we might use them

    Let me explain what both of them do.

    Copy UUID

    Every item in your vault has a unique identifier that gets created for it when it's first created. UUID stands for Universally Unique IDentifier. On all of your devices, the same items all have the same identifier. This is how we know that when you edit it on one we need to make those same edits on another. The Copy UUID menu item allows you to copy that identifier to your clipboard. The identifier itself contains no sensitive information and so it's safe for you to share. For example here's one of mine: 5hbp4zapn5ealoaiez4g5aml34. It's quite literally just random numbers and letters. In some cases if you're having issues with sync we might ask you to to copy the UUID of the item that you're having trouble with and send it our way along with a Diagnostics Report so that we can see if the apps have been reporting an issues that are specific to this item. Or you can actually use it to find that exact item on another system by searching for that identifier.

    Copy JSON

    When you look at an item, you see it presented in the detail pane with its title at the top, and its various fields and sections laid out under it. This is how we want you to think of the item. But it's not how the item is stored in the vault itself. What gets encrypted is what's called a JSON representation of the item. JSON is a simple data format that's very popular these days. For example a simple JSON representation of a dog might look something like {"name":"Rex", "color":"brown", "kind":"labrador"}. We structure your items into something that looks like that which makes it easier for us to use it on our various platforms. The Copy JSON function allows you to view that JSON structure for an item and see how it works under the hood.

    What gets copied when you use Copy JSON absolutely includes sensitive information and you should never send this to anyone. It will contain any passwords are included in the item itself.

    Very advanced users can sometimes use Copy JSON to take one item and make slight modifications to it in order to achieve things that the app doesn't provide an interface for. They do this by modifying what gets copied to the clipboard then using the File > New From Clipboard.

    More commonly us developers of 1Password use it to look at an item when we're working on new features to make sure that everything looks exactly as we intended. We have automated tests, but sometimes you need to see it with your own eyes. :)

    As you can see, neither of these features are ones that most users should need to concern themselves with. They come in handy for us every now and gain, but unless we specifically ask you to enable one of them to do something for us, you probably don't need to worry about them.

    I hope this helps.


  • JuanchoC
    Community Member

    Hi Rick,

    Of course this Help! I want to thank you for your quick response and excellent explanation, I have several years using 1password and it seems to me an application that everyone should have!

    Thanks Again an Satisfied Customer


  • You're very welcome. I love getting questions like these, so don't hesitate to send more if/when you've got them.


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