Apply shortcuts to secrets

Community Member

I have a particular password for work that I'd like to securely store in 1Password, but I'm often copying it into a variety of tools (not just browser). I'd like to bind this password to a global keyboard shortcut, so that when I press the shortcut no matter where I am it copies that password to the clipboard. I can then paste it into whatever tool I'm working with. If my vault is not unlocked at the time, it would first bring up the vault login screen.

Is this possible, or can it be entered as a feature for some point in the near future?


1Password Version: 6.5.3
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.11.6
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Hi @bbeaudreault,

    Currently there's no direct way of doing this. If you're an Alfred user and you're using the integration between Alfred and 1Password you might be able to get the item in question to come up automatically for you based on an Alfred action, but that's about the best that I can think of.

    It's an interesting idea though. Thanks for sharing it with us. :)


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