Just began 30-day trial - No Sync Option
1) I started a 30-day trial yesterday via the 1password website on my Macbook Air (running Yosemite), then downloaded the app on my iphone 6s. I thought that in order for the information I put in 1password to sync on both my iphone and macbook - I would need to "sync" the information. I watched several tutorials and they all talk about going into preferences and choosing "sync" and using dropbox or Icloud. But, the sync button was missing both on my computer's app and iphone app. Today, I decided I should cancel the trial account, and start all over to try to get this sync button to appear. I read that perhaps I was supposed to have started all this through Itunes instead, perhaps this would fix the sync issue. So, I deleted my account and have now created a new 1password account via Itunes and I am having the same issue. I have 1password on my computer, I have my browser extension set up with chrome, I have re-downloaded the 1password app on my iphone and linked it with my 1password account, and logged in successfully. But, still there is no sync button. I have been adding information to my 1password account via my laptop, and I do see the logins showing up on my iphone's app as well. So, perhaps this sync button is not necessary? All I want to do is use this service on my computer and iphone and have it sync with both devices. Am I doing something wrong?
2) On the iphone app, I have enabled the 1Password app extension, it is now working on both safari and google chrome. I only use the google chrome app on my iphone, never safari. I am having an issue. I go to a website using my google chrome app on my phone, I touch the three little dots on the upper right hand corner, every time I do this it links me with 1password, but 1password is asking for my master login. This is very annoying. How do I avoid having to type in my master login every time I want to login to a website on my googlchrome app on my iphone 6s?
I am completely baffled, please help!
1Password Version: 6
Extension Version:
OS Version: 10.12.3
Sync Type: Not Provided
The subscription accounts do not have a sync button. The reason is that syncing is automatic, built in to 1password.com.
The old stand-alone version required the user to set syncing up, choosing iCloud or Dropbox, linking 1PW with them, etc.
Perhaps AgileBits should change the tutorials to warn people that the info is out of date for most people, but they have more important things that need doing.
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Hi @seattle - Sorry for the confusion. One of the benefits of signing up for a 1Password membership is we take care of all the syncing on our end. When you add a new item to your Personal vault, it will auto-sync over to your other devices and the web. In order for all your devices to stay in sync, make sure you have added the account to all your devices.
You can check if the account has been added to both devices by following the steps below -
On your Mac -
Open & unlock 1Password > Click 1Password in the menu bar > Select preferences from the drop down menu > Click on the Account Tab > You should see your account listed here.
On your iPhone -
Open & unlock 1Password > Tap on the settings tab at the bottom > Tap 1Password Accounts > Your account should be listed here.
As far as 1Password asking you to enter your Master Password every-time you access the extension. The share sheet extension is only supported in Safari - https://support.1password.com/ios-extension/#use-the-1password-extension
I believe you might be referring to Google's built in password manager, which I would recommend turning off. Only you should know your Master Password, I wouldn't recommend saving this in Chrome -
I hope this helped and let us know if you have any additional questions. Have a great day!
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while a benefit, thank-you, how do we GET the manual sync options if we wish to keep our data OFF other servers?
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see the other thread you started in the Mac forum: https://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/81872/no-sync-option-in-mac-ipad-droid-preferences#latest
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cheers Rudy!
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:+1: :)