Browser Plugin autosave doesn't update existing login, creates new one

I have a login already in my vault. I changed my password, an logged out and logged back in using the new password. Older versions of 1PW would pop up and say "Would you like to UPDATE existing login?" and I choose yes.

This time I just asks me to create a new one. I tried it. There are two different logins for the same web site. All that's different is the password. Did this feature get lost during recent updates? This is in Chrome 57.0.2987.133 (64-bit).

1Password Version: 6.4.377d
Extension Version:
OS Version: Windows 10
Sync Type: Account
Referrer: forum-search:autosave doesn't update


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @tralston,

    1Password 6 for Windows is still very new and while the Windows team is making great strides in improving it there are still gaps in its functionality compared to say 1Password for Mac or 1Password 4 for Windows. This is one such area. Over time you will find 1Password 6 becomes friendlier and contains more of the expected features and behaviour that you have been used to if you've been a long time 1Password user. I apologise for the transition period but to support 1Password accounts on Windows a complete rewrite was required.

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