How do I get an instance of 1PW6 to treat me like a new user?

Community Member

I'm running 1PW v. 6.6.4 on my Mac mini and also on a three week old MacBook Air. I consider my Mac mini's vault to be the master for our household.

The MacBook is presently using a vault that came when I installed 1PW v.3.8.22 from a backup file made from the ancient computer it has replaced. I used a clone of that HD to move everything from the old to the new. The installation ran fine, and I subsequently upgraded the MacBook to v. 6.6.4, but the data in the vault continues to be several years stale. Your team was very helpful getting me over the complexities (and implications) of loading the old system on to the new.

So, I've got your "How to Move your 1Password data to a new computer or device" article, and I've chosen the "Move your data with a USB flash drive" method to update the new MacBook's vault. My problem is that your instructions presume a "new" computer installation, and my target installation is already up and running with the stale data --current application but data at least 3-4 years stale.

I've prepared a USB stick with the vault file from my Mac mini instance. I did this following your steps in the above article. It worked as advertised, and I have a USB stick with the file "1Password.opvault" as expected. What I've been unable to do is to get 1PW on the new MacBook to present me the "Welcome Screen" as outlined in step 3 of your instructions. (Maybe it knows I've been a 1PW user for years?) All the steps presume prompts that I don't get, and I'm too old with too many scars to just "wing it."

I know you'll have me up and operating with your response. Then I can look forward to learning how to synch using the "Synch to Local Folder" method that I'll use between the two Macs -- and I'll continue synching my devices to the Mac mini via a WLAN.


1Password Version: v. 6.6.4
Extension Version: v. 4.6.3
OS Version: OS X 10.12.3
Sync Type: Local Folder


  • @Watertight,

    if you're looking to reset 1Password, lock 1Password and then Help -> Troubleshooting -> Reset All 1Password Data. This will wipe out all the active data and you can start over.


  • Watertight
    Community Member

    Worked as advertised, Rudy. Thanks for your help.

    Now I'm setting about learning how synching via a local folder works. I have your "How to keep a copy of a local vault updated in a folder on your Mac." It seems straightforward . . . we'll see how it works.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Glad Rudy was able to help. We're here if you need us! :)

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