Why does it say "You have no network connection"

Community Member

Hello guys.

I just noticed the following:
When I am not connected to a WLAN on my MAC and I want to use 1Password it just works fine. But when I type in the wrong password a weird window prompts which says "You seem to have no network connection". The only button I can click in this window is "Ok". After clicking "Ok" 1Password tells me the password is wrong (it shakes).

My question is: Why do I get this message "You seem to have no network connection" when typing in the wrong password in 1Password while being offline with my MAC.

It works fine, when I type in the right password and it also works fine when I am connected to a network. I just wonder why 1Password tells me that I seem to have no network connection when I am typing in the wrong password.

I can reproduce this anytime. Sadly I have no friend using 1Password on MAC so I could check if he got the same weird window in the same scenario. Also I was wondering why 1Password needs internet connection at exactly that time (only when I type in the wrong password).

Sorry for my bad English and I hope you get what I mean. Thanks for your help in advance!

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @dijjo,

    I haven't been able to reproduce that same behavior - I turned off Wi-Fi on my Mac and tried unlocking 1Password with the wrong master password, but I didn't see any message about having no network connection (it just rejected the master password immediately). If possible, it would be great if you could take a screenshot of that message (just make sure it doesn't show any personal/private information). When replying, you can drag the screenshot into your message, or click the "Attach image" button above the comment field and select the file.

    It will also help if you can let us know some details about your setup:

    • What version of OS X / macOS are you running on your Mac?
    • What exact version of the 1Password app is installed on your Mac?
    • Are you using the AgileBits Store version or the Mac App Store version of 1Password?
    • Do you use a 1Password.com account? If not, do you use one of the other sync options in 1Password (Dropbox, iCloud, WLAN Server)?
    • When you say you're not connected to WLAN, do you mean Wi-Fi is turned off on your Mac, or the internet connection just isn't working, or you're out of range of the wireless network, or something else?
    • Do you use a VPN on your Mac, or an app such as Little Snitch or something else that intervenes with network connections?

    Thanks in advance! :)

  • dijjo
    Community Member
    edited April 2017

    Hello Drew_AG,

    I am using macOS Sierra 10.12.4 (latest).
    It is version 6.6.4 (latest) of 1Password installed.
    It is the Mac App Store version.
    I am using the iCloud sync option.
    Yes I mean that Wi-Fi is turned off on my Mac.
    I don't use a VPN or any third party Apps like Little Snitch at the moment.

    This Screenshot shows the message window:

    After pressing "Ok" it tells me the password is wrong (shaking and red):

    But, when typing in the right password 1Password opens and works just fine.

    Would be lovely if you find somebody using the same configuration and tell me that he got the same weird message or why I am getting it.


    EDIT: Maybe I get this Error because my Mac tries to open the Vault saved in iCloud first. Then, after noticing it can't reach it because my Mac or 1Password has no internet connection so it cannot reach iCloud it tries to open the local vault? I don't know, just an idea.

    EDIT2: Well, that would not explain why there is no window "No internet connection" when I type in the right password, right? Again, I don't know :|

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @dijjo,

    Thank you for the screenshots! I'm still unable to reproduce that when I try the same thing, so I'm not sure exactly why that's happening. I've been asking some of our developers, but they're not sure either.

    Maybe I get this Error because my Mac tries to open the Vault saved in iCloud first.

    I like the way you think! ;) That's a good theory - however, the 1Password app always opens the local vault on your Mac, and only uses the data in iCloud to sync changes (sync doesn't happen until the app is successfully unlocked).

    But that's actually somewhat similar to one idea I had about why this might be happening. When you enter a wrong master password, 1Password tries decrypting the local copy of your data and quickly determines that the password is incorrect. But when that happens, 1Password then checks the copy of your data in iCloud in case you changed your master password from another device. So I thought that might explain why you get that error when Wi-Fi is disabled. However, when I try the same thing on my Mac, 1Password doesn't try checking iCloud because it realizes there's no internet connection - it immediately shakes and tells me it's the wrong password, and doesn't give me any other error.

    In order to help us figure out why this is happening, what I'd like you to do is reboot your Mac, reproduce the problem again, and then create a Diagnostics Report: https://support.1password.com/diagnostics/?mac

    Attach the Diagnostics Report to an email message addressed to: support+forum@agilebits.com

    Please do not post your Diagnostics Report in the forums, but please do include a link to this thread in your email, along with your forum username so that we can "connect the dots" when we see your report in our inbox.

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here so we can track down the report and make sure you receive a reply as quickly as possible. Hopefully the report will give us some insight into why you're getting the error about the network connection. Thanks in advance! :)

  • dijjo
    Community Member

    Hey Drew_AG,

    First: Is the email you posted correct (because of that "+")?

    And: I could reproduce the same Error on my girlfriends Macbook. It shows the exact same message in the exact same scenario.

    Also I noticed the following:

    There is a process called "cloudd" on my Mac. I googled it and it is a legit process thats only active when something is synced with iCloud or something wants to use iCloud. So, when I have my Wi-Fi turned on and I am checking this process in the Activity Monitor App while trying to unlock 1Password there are always packets sent during that process. Even if I type in the wrong password, the "cloudd" process is actively sending and receiving some packets.

    When Wi-Fi is turned off though the process is not working at all because the Activity Monitor App only shows the traffic and there cannot be any traffic when the internet is turned off, right? But maybe my Mac still tries to connect to iCloud for some reason. Also I googled the exact Error text and some other German users had that kind of error on iPhones or Macs as well (but not in relation to 1Password at all though).

    When you tried to reproduce the error did you try exact the same configuration like me with same versions of OS and 1P App Store version etc? Also maybe what I found out about this "cloudd" process can help you or your colleagues to help me with this 8-)

    Thanks in advance again! :)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    First: Is the email you posted correct (because of that "+")?

    @dijjo: Yep! That helps us route the message so that the folks who need to see your message can do so faster. :)

    When Wi-Fi is turned off though the process is not working at all because the Activity Monitor App only shows the traffic and there cannot be any traffic when the internet is turned off, right? But maybe my Mac still tries to connect to iCloud for some reason. Also I googled the exact Error text and some other German users had that kind of error on iPhones or Macs as well (but not in relation to 1Password at all though).

    You're on the right track. cloudd is the background process for iCloud, and iCloud can also keep trying to connect so that it's going right away as soon as you're online.

    When you tried to reproduce the error did you try exact the same configuration like me with same versions of OS and 1P App Store version etc? Also maybe what I found out about this "cloudd" process can help you or your colleagues to help me with this

    I'm using the same setup here myself as well and ca't reproduce this. Interestingly, it reminds me of an issue some folks had over a year ago that we were able to work around:

    Perhaps not exactly the same, but it's something we can keep in mind when looking at the diagnostics you send. Thanks in advance! :)

  • dijjo
    Community Member
    edited April 2017

    Hey guys.

    Before trying to send this diagnostic thing I tried something else.

    First: I reinstalled 1Password to see if the error still occurs. And yes, it is still the same message coming up.
    But I was wondering: I fully deinstalled 1Password and deleted all saved backups just to make sure. After reinstalling 1Password even with iCloud Drive deactivated (so there is no chance it has access to the vault in iCloud) it still somehow knew my Master password. Why is that?
    Was that vault still saved somewhere on my Mac and got not deleted properly when deinstalling 1Password? Or is that just normal?

    I remember when setting up this Mac new with fresh installing macOS 1Password asked me a lot of stuff. Do I have 1Password Account already. What kind of sync do I want to use. Etc. Of course it had to ask me because there is no chance there is a vault on a brand new Mac. But now 1Password did not ask me anything and my Master password was working after reinstalling 1Password without even having access to iCloud Drive.

    Second: I wondered what happens when I just turn off iCloud Drive (as you noticed above). Because I thought it should basically be the same as turning off the Internet. 1Password also has no access to the vault in iCloud then as well. So after turning off iCloud Drive I got this error when typing in the wrong password:

    After clicking "Ok" it turns red and shakes to tell me the password is wrong again. But you can see that it first tries to connect to iCloud there as well.
    It either tells me the error: "No internet connection" when Wi-Fi is turned off or it shows this new error when I turned off iCloud Drive. But fact is. Somehow 1Password tries to connect to iCloud first when I type in the wrong password even after reinstalling the App.

    When you guys have the iCloud sync on and turn off iCloud Drive, do you get that error as well when typing in the wrong password? Or am I still the only one getting this? :|

    I hope there is an easy explanation for the first point and maybe you can reproduce the second point now :)


    EDIT: Just had another idea. I thought when I turn off iCloud sync in 1Password itself there should be no error anymore. So yeah, I turned sync options from "iCloud sync" to "No sync" in the 1P settings and then tried to type in the wrong password. Now I am not getting any errors at all anymore.. Of course I need to use iCloud sync. But now we know that is definitely has something to do with the iCloud thingy.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    But I was wondering: I fully deinstalled 1Password and deleted all saved backups just to make sure. After reinstalling 1Password even with iCloud Drive deactivated (so there is no chance it has access to the vault in iCloud) it still somehow knew my Master password. Why is that?

    @dijjo: To be completely clear, 1Password never knows your Master Password. It's just being used as an input to decrypt your data. It isn't stored in the app.

    Was that vault still saved somewhere on my Mac and got not deleted properly when deinstalling 1Password? Or is that just normal?

    If you have data in 1Password already, this is stored separately from the app. Simply removing the app itself won't have any impact on the data. So it sounds like that's at least one piece of the puzzle.

    When you guys have the iCloud sync on and turn off iCloud Drive, do you get that error as well when typing in the wrong password? Or am I still the only one getting this? :|

    If you already have a Primary vault setup in 1Password and it's setup to sync with iCloud, then yeah that makes sense. iCloud Drive is required for 1Password to connect to iCloud, since disabling it also disables access to CloudKit (which is what apps use to sync).

    EDIT: Just had another idea. I thought when I turn off iCloud sync in 1Password itself there should be no error anymore. So yeah, I turned sync options from "iCloud sync" to "No sync" in the 1P settings and then tried to type in the wrong password. Now I am not getting any errors at all anymore.. Of course I need to use iCloud sync. But now we know that is definitely has something to do with the iCloud thingy.

    It sounds like that about sums it up. If you want, you can either start over and move all of 1Password's local data, clear the data in iCloud (Help > Troubleshooting > Reset iCloud Data), or both. Let me know how you get along!

  • dijjo
    Community Member

    Well. This Error when typing in the wrong password while Wi-Fi is turned off is not annoying me. I just wanted to know where it comes from or if it is any suspicous. So do we have an answer to this now? If it is all normal I am fine with it being there! :)

    Thanks again, you guys are really helpful!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Well. This Error when typing in the wrong password while Wi-Fi is turned off is not annoying me. I just wanted to know where it comes from or if it is any suspicous. So do we have an answer to this now? If it is all normal I am fine with it being there! :)
    Thanks again, you guys are really helpful!

    @dijjo: Thank you for the kind words. We couldn't do what we do without the support of you and the rest of our awesome customers! :blush:

    Indeed, while I'm sorry for the confusion that's caused you, it makes sense at least. And we're here if you have any other questions. Cheers! :)

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