Importing from Backup

Tyler Duzan
Tyler Duzan
Community Member

I had two Macs which I have intentionally separated vaults on. I'm in the progress of migrating my entire collection into vaults within 1Password Cloud. One of the Macs is "no longer with us", so I have grabbed my last backup of my 1Password local vault on that system, which is saved as a 1p4_zip file, is there a way to "import" this into 1Password 6 on my still existing Mac? I'd like to do so in such a way as it does not lose any of the data already there.

For example, can I create a new local vault and restore this backup to that vault?

1Password Version: 6.6.4
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.11.6
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Tyler Duzan,

    The 'Import' option in 1Password won't work with a .1p4_zip file - that's a backup file which will only work with the 'Restore' option. But don't worry, we can definitely help you get the data from that backup file without losing any of your current data!

    It sounds like you've switched (or are in the middle of switching) to a account. Do you currently still have any local vaults in 1Password on your Mac (such as the 'Primary' vault)? A "local vault" isn't part of a account. If you have any local vaults, they will be listed in 1Password > Preferences > Sync (if you don't have any local vaults, you won't see the Sync tab in the Preferences window).

    Restoring from a .1p4_zip backup file will overwrite any local vaults in 1Password on your Mac (if you have any). It won't overwrite your account vaults, although you will need to sign into your account again after the restore. If you have any local vaults, you should export those to .1pif files before restoring from the backup file.

    When you're ready, you can restore from the .1p4_zip backup file. Go to File > Restore, click the Find Backup button in the Backup preferences window, choose the backup file and click the Add Backup button. Select that backup in the preferences (it might not be the most recent one shown there) and then click Restore.

    After restoring, the vault from the backup file will be the only vault in 1Password. If you exported other local vaults to .1pif files, you can create new local vaults and import the data from the .1pif files into those vaults (or just import them into the Primary vault). You can sign into your account from Preferences > Accounts, and that will add your account vault(s) to the app. Now you can move the items from your local vaults to your account vaults (and delete the local vaults after you've done that, if you want).

    Does that help? If you have any questions about any of that, please let us know. :)

  • Tyler Duzan
    Tyler Duzan
    Community Member

    Thanks Drew, that answers my question completely. I had already migrated almost everything into my account, only leaving an extra entry in the local vault for my account itself. I will make an attempt to do all of this now and report back if all goes well or not


  • Tyler Duzan
    Tyler Duzan
    Community Member

    Everything went great, thanks.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    That's great news, thanks for following up to let us know it all worked out well! Hopefully you're all set now, but if you have more questions or need anything else, just let us know - we're always happy to help. Have a great weekend! :)

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