Feature Request: Replace existing entry


Here is the scenario.

I go to a website that I have an entry in 1Password for. Because the site design has changed, it's not coming up on the dropdown list, or if it does, they have changed the field names, and it doesn't populate the login/password. for me when I click on the entry. As a result, I'm reduced to copy-pasting the login and password into the fields. The next thing that happens is that iPassword asks me if I want to save the information that I just entered. I know I have an entry for this website, but somehow the connection between the entry I have and the site I'm on is broken, so it thinks it's a new entry. I would like for 1Password to give me a button named: replace/update an existing entry. This would allow me to search my list of entries, and select the one that goes with this website. Then when I save the entry, the fields are updated, the site name is updated, and the next time I log in, it will work correctly. I won't have to create a new entry, then go find the old one and delete it, or just have multiple entries in my vault for the same website.

That's all, thanks for considering my request.


1Password Version: 6.6.4
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.12.4
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2017

    @duaneo: It's certainly something we can consider for a future version, but there are a few reasons 1Password doesn't do this already and probably shouldn't:

    1. Replacing is destructive. If you don't have a backup and mistakenly replace the wrong item, you're out of luck. Even with a backup, it's not necessarily easy to restore a single item.1
    2. We already have two options that cover most use cases well, and adding another adds complexity, both for the user and for the code. 1Password isn't perfect when it comes to determining whether to offer to create a new item or update an existing one, but neither of these involve any risk since they are non-destructive: new login adds another item entirely, and update login changes only the password (and both the previously used password and generated password are saved).
    3. As interesting as this suggestion is, it's the first time I've seen it brought up, and there are still many other ways that we can do more good for a greater number of people. That may change in time, so it's definitely something we'll keep in mind going forward.

    This is a cool idea though, so if it becomes feasible to not only do this but do it well I can see how it might be useful. In the mean time, it is best to manually save a fresh login in these cases. That way you can confirm that the new one works without destroying the original prematurely. And we're here if you need help with any sites in particular. Cheers! :)

    1. 1Password.com solves this problem with item history, but the design can't make the assumption that this is available, as not everyone uses that. ↩︎

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