Saving website information


Is there a way to get 1Password to save the website address info for logins I saved in 1Password before I installed the Safari extension? I'm referring to the information needed for 1Password to go and fill log in information. Thanks.

1Password Version: 6.6.4
Extension Version: 4.6.3
OS Version: 10.12.4
Sync Type: 1Password


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Bronwen224466,

    Am I understanding correctly, you created a number of Login items manually inside of the main 1Password window but didn't add a URL to the website field at the time, would that be correct?

    If this is the case then the bad news is 1Password doesn't really have anything that will help rectify this. What 1Password can do is help filter the list of Login items to those with no URLs which may help show you those still need addressing. You can do this by first using the menu option Edit > Find > Show Search Options and then setting up the search so it looks like this.

    You will then want to visit each in turn. What you might find easier than altering existing ones is to create new ones. You should find that 1Password asks if you want to save new Login items straight away as what 1Password does is check for a matching Login item based on the password and domain and if it doesn't find one will ask. I can't think of anything else to make this any easier so I hope this helps.

  • Bronwen224466
    Community Member

    Yes, you are understanding correctly.
    When you say create new ones, do you mean by changing the password? I just tried that with one site, and because it kept rejecting the symbols from the password generator, I had to keep regenerating passwords. I ended up with a lot of saved passwords (as opposed to logins) even though I didn't save them or use them. It seems as if each generated password was saved as a password, even if I didn't click "fill". In fact, I have a lot of unnamed passwords that I have no idea where they came from. Any idea what's going on there? Thanks.

  • matthew_ag
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @Bronwen224466,

    Changing your password for a website is definitely one way of creating new Login items however the best way is to save a Login by manually signing in on the website's log in web page - 1Password should prompt you at the point you click "Login" or "Sign in" (or even hit the "Enter" key on your keyboard). Saving a Login while using a login web page results in a Login item that has it's website field set to the website's log in URL which is very useful for the Go & Fill feature.

    I'm sorry about the passwords created by the Strong Password Generator being rejected - it's very unfortunate that some websites specify silly rules for their password requirements. For me, if that happens I try to change the settings in the Password Generator to match the website's password requirements as closely as possible and regenerate the password until I get one that matches.

    On 1Password for Mac you can change the Password Generator settings by using the sliders at the bottom to change the overall length, number of digits and number of symbols included. If a symbol that isn't acceptable is included in the generated password I often click "Regenerate Password" a number of times to see if I can get a better one. Alternatively you can copy the password out of the Password Generator into TextEdit and manually edit it so that it fits the requirements - then copy & paste it into the website's password change form. Personally I've never had to do this as the settings and regenerate button has always been sufficient for me.

    If you have a Login item for a website and then change your password on a website's change password form - 1Password should offer to update your Login item after you click "Save" or equivalent on the change password form.

    I hope this helps - please let me know how you get on or if you have any more questions.

    Best regards,

  • Bronwen224466
    Community Member

    Thank you for the reply. The problem is that it doesn't volunteer to save the login, presumably because it already has it, except for the web address.

  • matthew_ag
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for reporting this @Bronwen224466,

    1Password should still prompt you to save if the password entered into the web form is different than the password that is in your Login item already. Needless to say this should always be the case for a change password form. So if 1Password isn't prompting you, then that's a bug in 1Password and it would be really great to know which website and change password form you have spotted this with so we can log a bug in 1Password and get this fixed. While we do test websites a lot ourselves, we really appreciate when customer report issues like this to us.

    1Password has a built in recovery system for the cases where it doesn't detect that you changed a password. It should help you recover if you generated a password that wasn't saved.

    I hope that helps. Looking forward to hearing back.

    Best regards,

  • Bronwen224466
    Community Member

    I'm suspect that what we have is a failure to communicate rather than a bug. How can I enter a different password for 1Password to offer to save, without changing the password? Yet, I thought you were telling me that changing the password is not necessary. I must be misunderstanding something. Thanks!

  • Bronwen224466
    Community Member

    That article you provided a link for, answered a previous question, and was extremely helpful! Thanks! (But I still have the other issue)

  • matthew_ag
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @Bronwen224466,

    Sorry for my confusion, let me try and clarify what I mean.

    I'm suspect that what we have is a failure to communicate rather than a bug. How can I enter a different password for 1Password to offer to save, without changing the password? Yet, I thought you were telling me that changing the password is not necessary. I must be misunderstanding something. Thanks!

    Let's say you have created a Login item in 1Password for Google with only your username and password "12345" specified. This Login item doesn't have it's website field set to anything. If you then go to Google's log-in web page, enter in your username and password ("12345") manually, then log in, 1Password will detect that and offer to save a new Login item - even though the password is the same as one you already have a Login item for. This is because the Login item doesn't have the website field set to Google's URL so 1Password couldn't match it when you logged in.

    Since it sounded like your Login items didn't have the website fields set, this approach should work for you. I hope this explains where I was coming from. Of course if you have manually added a website field to the Login item, then this approach won't work and instead 1Password should offer to update the existing Login item when you change your password.

    Please let me know if that explains things - I'll be happy to clarify further if I still haven't fully made things clear.

    That article you provided a link for, answered a previous question, and was extremely helpful! Thanks! (But I still have the other issue)

    You're most welcome :chuffed:

    Best regards,

  • Bronwen224466
    Community Member

    Well apparently we did understand each other, but for some reason it didn't work on the website I tried. (LLBean, but I then changed the password so then it did offer to save, so I can't reproduce the problem, and perhaps I did something wrong.). 1Password does not succeed in filling in the login info for LLBean; it only opens to the login page. But the method you recommended is working to save the login on the sites I've tried since getting your most recent message. So I am very pleased.

  • matthew_ag
    1Password Alumni

    Great stuff @Bronwen224466 - glad to hear it's working for you on the other websites.

    I tried and it appears to need you to first click on "Login" in the top-right before it will display a login web form. Unfortunately, the Go & Fill feature in 1Password requires that the web log in form is displayed as soon as the web page is loaded. In these cases, it's best to search the website to see if there is an alternative web page that displays the log in web form immediately we the web page is loaded and then set the website field of the Login item to the URL of that web page. In the case of LLBean, I couldn't find an alternative page, so first clicking "Login" would be neccessary.

    So as mentioned, it should work if you first click on the "Login" button in the top right to make the log in form appear. When it is showing you should be able to click the 1Password browser extension and then click the LLBean Login item to fill the login details. If that isn't working I would recommend trying to create the Login item once more for this website using the Save new Login method. I was able to get a test Login item I created to fill using that method - hopefully it'll work for you.

    Let me know in any case.

    Best regards,

  • Bronwen224466
    Community Member

    It works if I get the login window open first. Thanks for all the help!

  • matthew_ag
    1Password Alumni

    Great stuff @Bronwen224466,

    Glad to hear that helped - if you ever need anything else, please don't hesitate to write again. We're always here to help.

    Best regards,

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