Just downloaded this overly complicated program and started trial. No idea what to do with it.

Community Member

I have been using the Mac Keychain as well as a password protected Excel spreadsheet for years to keep my several hundred passwords organized, and I use Dropbox to view the spreadsheet on my mobile devices. 1Password seems unnecessarily complicated (and I have been using computers of all kinds since 1984). Is there no way to grab information from Keychain? Will I have to enter data for each password all over again? I have no idea what to do with this app or how it will make storing passwords easier. Not very encouraging especially considering I will have to pay a subscription to use it. May just not bother.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:Just downloaded this overly complicated program. No idea what to do with it.


  • Hi @rsundquist,

    The way I got started with 1Password was to get it up and running and then I just browsed the web normally and let 1Password pick up the sites I logged in to. That way you don't have to sit there and enter logins one-at-a-time. If there are sites you rarely visit you can make a point of visiting them so that they get stored in 1Password. You'd be surprised how quickly 1Password will fill up just by browsing the web.

    And it can be used for so much more than that! One of my favorite 1Password tips is to make an item for each of your Credit Cards and Bank Cards. Make sure you fill out the account number, expiry dates, and PINs; but also fill out the ‘Lost or Stolen’ Phone Number on the back of the card. That way if you ever lose your wallet, 1Password has all the information you need to cancel your cards.

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