How do I convert my 1Password installation from Trial to Paid License for Family (not an Account)?
I have just purchased a new MacBook Pro. I want to use 1Password on it. I have not been a user before.
In 2015 my father purchased an upgrade from 1Password 3 to 1Password 5, via Agilebits (not the App Store). He received an email from Agilebits containing the key. The email says it is a FAMILY license. I know this license works as a Family license because my father has installed it on my mother's MacBook Pro as well as his own.
I myself have now downloaded 1Password from the Agilebits website. The only option I was given seemed to be a Trial version, so that is what I installed on my MacBook. I set up a Personal vault. When I check under 1Password/Preferences/Accounts, I see that it is indeed identified as a Trial version (Version 6.6.4).
I have the Agilebits license email sent to my father in 2015. I clicked on the link provided therein, the one called “click here to automatically add your license”, while logged in to my newly installed 1Password app. I received a message saying that the license had been added. And my father received another license email, titled "1Password 6 for Mac".
HOWEVER…… my 1Password installation is still identified as a Trial version (determined as described above).
And I've tried every suggestion I can find on line, including uninstalling 1Password and downloading it again, with no success.
I see that there are now two license files installed on my computer in the user/Library/Group Containers/ folder.
One is named: License.onepassword-license
The other is named: My father's name-32 characters.onepassword.license
How do I convert my 1Password installation from 'Trial' to 'Paid License for Family' (stand-alone, not an Account), and so that I can see/verify that this is the case? Does anyone have a solution, please? (And my apologies if the answer already exists online and I missed it. Just redirect me).
1Password Version: 6.6.4
Extension Version: None yet
OS Version: OS X 10.12.3
Sync Type: None yet
@MBazz: Indeed, we used to sell family licenses years ago, but those are no longer available. You can purchase single user licenses, enable local vaults (in Preferences > Advanced), and then simply copy your data over from your account to the Primary vault and sign out (Preferences > Accounts).
However, a 1Password Families membership is really a much better option, since that will give you and your loved ones (5 are included in the plan) access to all of the apps — not just 1Password for Mac, which is the only license we sell through our own store (the mobile apps can only be purchased through Google's and Apple's stores) — and makes it easy to securely share data with them as well.
I see you've also emailed us separately, so I'll reply there shortly to help you get things sorted.
ref: HQZ-21993-281