1Password locked after waking Mac from sleep

Community Member
edited April 2017 in Mac

After Mac (10.12.4) goes to sleep, upon awakening, I am asked to enter the 1PW password to open 1PW Mini. I only want to enter my 1PW password as little as possible, as the computer is used in my home, with no one else having access.

1Password Version: 6.6.4
Extension Version: 6.6.4(0002)
OS Version: OSX 10.12.4
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:quit


  • @abelj,

    Have you tried turning off some of the checkboxes on the Security tab in the 1Password Preferences window?


  • abelj
    Community Member

    Hi Rudy:

    They are all turned off.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @abelj,

    So, just to make sure I understand: If you open the main 1Password app and go to 1Password > Preferences > Security, all of the options in the Auto-lock section are turned off (i.e. empty box next to each one)? If so, it's definitely strange that 1Password is locking itself when your Mac is in sleep mode.

    If you click on the General tab in 1Password > Preferences, is the option for "Always keep 1Password mini running" enabled? If not, that might explain the problem - try enabling it and see if it stays unlocked the next time your Mac sleeps.

    If that option was already enabled, please reboot your Mac, unlock 1Password, and put your Mac in sleep mode (or allow it to go into sleep mode on its own). When you wake it, is 1Password locked or unlocked?

  • abelj
    Community Member

    I followed your instructions precisely. Unfortunately, the problem persists.
    Upon the computer awakening, I get a message which says "Connecting to 1Password Mini". The bar progresses, and I can't access 1Password until I type in the password.

    Hope you can figure out this annoying wrinkle.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks @abelj! When you wake your Mac and see "Connecting to 1Password Mini", how long does it take for the progress bar to complete? Do you need to wait for that to finish before you're able to enter your master password?

    Also, please try these steps to see if they make any difference:

    1. Go to the Applications folder on your Mac and drag the 1Password app file to the Trash (do not use any app cleaning tools, as they might also delete your data instead of just the app).
    2. Empty the Trash.
    3. Reboot your Mac.
    4. Once it restarts, download a fresh copy of 1Password: If you were using the AgileBits Store version, download the installer from our download site and open the .pkg file to install it. Or if you were using the Mac App Store version, launch the Mac App Store and reinstall it from the 'Purchased' tab.
    5. Once it is reinstalled, go to the Applications folder and double-click the new 1Password app file.
    6. Unlock it with your master password.

    The next time you wake your Mac from sleep, what happens?

  • abelj
    Community Member

    Sorry, but the problem persists after following these instructions.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @abelj,

    Sorry to hear that didn't help. I'd still like to know about the "Connecting to 1Password Mini" message you see when you wake your Mac. Can you please elaborate on that? How long does it take for the progress bar to complete? Do you need to wait for that to finish before you're able to enter your master password? If possible, it would be great if you could take a screenshot of that message (just make sure it doesn't show any personal/private information). When replying, you can drag the screenshot into your message, or click the "Attach image" button above the comment field and select the file.

  • abelj
    Community Member

    The progress bar took only a second or two to complete. The blue bar progressed only about less than 1/2 of an inch.

    Following your instructions, I deleted the 1Password app, deleted it from the trash and then downloaded 1Password. Unfortunately, after the installation, I am unable to run it. In the dock, the icon for 1Password as a gray"?" In front of it. Also the password which I've been using was but not recognized. I suspect that results from my having switched to a desktop version of 1Password to the version which uses the cloud.

    The result of all of this is that I do not have access to my password information. Can you get me out of the wilderness?

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @abelj,

    Thanks for the additional details, they're extremely helpful for us! I'm sure we can help you get this all sorted out one way or another.

    ...I deleted the 1Password app, deleted it from the trash and then downloaded 1Password.

    When following those steps, please make sure you reboot your Mac after deleting the app and emptying the Trash, as that's an important step which can make a big difference in some cases. You don't need to worry about that at the moment, but it's something to keep in mind if you need to go through those steps again.

    ...after the installation, I am unable to run it. In the dock, the icon for 1Password as a gray"?" In front of it.

    The 1Password icon in the Dock is a shortcut/link to the app file in the Applications folder. If that shortcut in the Dock no longer works and shows a question mark, that means it's unable to find the app file. That's easy to fix (drag the old shortcut out of the Dock, then drag the 1Password app file from Applications into the Dock), but it might also be a clue about the new problem you described:

    ...the password which I've been using was but not recognized. I suspect that results from my having switched to a desktop version of 1Password to the version which uses the cloud.

    Your data is stored separately from the app, so as long as you only deleted the app, your data should be completely unaffected. If you re-downloaded the app from the same source as the app you deleted (i.e. from the AgileBits Store or from the Mac App Store), it should find your data when you first open it, and it should ask for the same master password as always.

    It's possible that you were previously using the AgileBits Store version of 1Password, but then downloaded the new copy from the Mac App Store (or that you were using the Mac App Store version but then downloaded the AgileBits Store version). Each one stores (and looks for) data in a different location on your Mac, so the one you downloaded might not be finding any data, or it might be finding old data if you had used that same version at some point in the past (possibly with a different master password).

    When you followed my steps to delete and reinstall 1Password, where did you download the new copy? And what is the name of the 1Password app that is currently in the Applications folder? If it's "1Password 6.app", that's the AgileBits Store version. Or if it's "1Password.app", that's the Mac App Store version. Which one were you previously using? If the one you deleted was different than the one you downloaded, I think that explains why it isn't accepting your master password, and also why the Dock icon has a question mark. Let us know, and we'll continue from there. Thanks! :)

  • abelj
    Community Member

    Hello Drew:

    I rebooted after I had emptied the trash. Upon rebooting, 1Password does not open automatically. There is the 1Password icon on the dock, without a “?”. From the Finder, I select the 1Password application, “1Password6 app”. I am asked for my master password. I enter the master password I’ve been using for quite a while and up until this incident and it does not unlock the program

    However, when I enter the password used before moving to the online version, I can’t open 1Password. It contains much information which has been deleted on the previously and the data is obviously out of date, even though “about 1Password is version 6.6.4 and shows that it was purchased on the Mac App Store. My recollection, although not with certainty, is that the version I’ve been running up until this mishap which purchase directly through Agile Bits.

    Responding to the last paragraph of your most recent transmission: 1Password6.app is the version I downloaded yesterday. I tend to agree that the software I’m now running is the problem. By the way in response to your question when I downloaded 1Password yesterday, the app was downloaded to my applications folder. 1Password-6.4 PKG (47.9) was a downloaded file which remains on my desktop.

    Hopefully, we can get to the bottom of this and I can get back to work soon.


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks @abelj, I think we're getting close to figuring this out!

    From the Finder, I select the 1Password application, “1Password6 app”.


    1Password-6.4 PKG (47.9) was a downloaded file which remains on my desktop.

    That's definitely the AgileBits Store version of 1Password. To confirm that, you can open 1Password 6.app from Applications and go to 1Password 6 > About 1Password from the menu bar. Below the version number, you should see that it's the AgileBits Store version.

    ...shows that it was purchased on the Mac App Store.

    Is that what you see when you go to 1Password 6 > License? If so, that means you definitely paid for 1Password through the Mac App Store, although you're currently using the AgileBits Store version that you downloaded from our website. That's not a problem at all, but it sounds like you previously used the AgileBits Store version at some point in the past (before switching to the Mac App Store version), which is why the AgileBits Store version is now showing older data.

    As far as I can tell, you were using the Mac App Store until following my steps yesterday. Please try switching back to that version by following these steps:

    1. Go to the Applications folder on your Mac and drag 1Password 6.app to the Trash (do not use any app cleaning tools).
    2. Empty the Trash and reboot your Mac.
    3. Launch the Mac App Store and click on the Purchased tab at the top, then find 1Password in the list of purchased apps and click the Install button next to it.
    4. When the installation is complete, go to the Applications folder and double-click the new 1Password.app file.

    Your regular master password should work to unlock it this time, and it should show your latest data. Please let us know how it goes! :)

  • abelj
    Community Member


    Yes. It shows Agile Bits Store Version. In the same program, when I go to License, it shows "Purchased on the Mac App Store".
    I don't understand the conflict.

    I followed your instructions, went to the Mac App Store and Downloaded the program. HAPPY TO REPORT THAT I AM BACK IN BUSINESS. ;) Your prompt help is appreciated

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    That's great news @abelj, I'm glad things are back to normal!

    To clear up a bit of confusion: If you purchase 1Password from the Mac App Store but then switch to the AgileBits Store version, it will automatically detect your Mac App Store receipt and activate itself. That's why the AgileBits Store version showed "Purchased on the Mac App Store" in the license window. It's not a conflict, it's just a feature that makes it easy for customers to switch from the Mac App Store version to the AgileBits Store version without needing to make a new purchase.

    The original problem you posted about was that 1Password would lock itself when your Mac went to sleep, even though you had disabled that option in the 1Password settings. I don't know if that's still a problem, but if it is and you'd like to continue troubleshooting that, please let us know. :)

  • abelj
    Community Member

    Unfortunately, the problem is still not solved! I thought that it had. After the computer goes to sleep, it is necessary to enter the 1PW password again. This happens many times a day and is quite annoying.
    Any way that with remote access you can look at my setup at try to fix the problem?


  • Hi @abelj,

    Does this happen every time you put your Mac to sleep? Can you test it by unlocking 1Password and then forcing your Mac to sleep, waiting 30 seconds or so, then waking the Mac? Is 1Password locked?

    Do you ever get prompts about 1Password having crashed? I wonder if maybe 1Password mini is crashing while your Mac is sleeping, which would make it come back up locked.


  • abelj
    Community Member

    Hi Rick

    Very strange. When I manually put the Mac to sleep, it wakes up and there is not need to enter PW.
    HOWEVER, on all previous occasions, after sleeping for a LONG TIME, I do not get an error message. Instead, I get popup which says:
    " "Connecting to 1Password Mini". The bar progresses, and I can't access 1Password until I type in the password.
    Where do you suggest that I go from here?


  • Hi @abelj,

    Can you elaborate on that? It sounds like after wake you then launch the 1Password main app? And this is when you see the "Connecting to 1Password mini" progress bar? Where are you typing the Master Password? In 1Password mini? How are you bringing it up? Is there any chance that you could capture video (maybe via QuickTime) of you going through these steps? Assuming it doesn't reveal any sensitive information of course.

    My gut tells me that what we're seeing here isn't related to Auto-Lock settings and is something different.


  • abelj
    Community Member

    It is exactly as I described it. I don's know how to do a video. I type the master PW in 1 Password mini. The "connecting to" screen comes up on its own.

    Would't the easiest and most precise way to solve the problem by for you to take control of my screen and take a look? there are 18 messages in this chain. Don't you think it is time to do this?



  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni
    edited May 2017

    Hi @abelj,

    To help us figure out what's going on, right after the next time this happens, I'd like to ask you to create a diagnostics report from your Mac:

    Sending Diagnostics Reports (Mac)

    Attach the diagnostics to an email message addressed to support+forum@agilebits.com.

    With your email please include:

    • A link to this thread: https://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/77809/1password-locked-after-waking-mac-from-sleep
    • Your forum username: abelj

    That way we can "connect the dots" when we see your diagnostics in our inbox.

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number.  Please post that number here so we can track down the diagnostics and ensure that this issue is dealt with quickly. :)

    Hopefully the report will help us figure this out. Thanks very much!

  • abelj
    Community Member

    I have fallen through the cracks!!! Help me please.
    I sent in the diagnostic report probably a day after it was requested.
    Have heard nothing, nada, zilch.
    Could you check please.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @abelj,

    I was able to find your email & diagnostics report that you sent on May 12, and someone from our team replied to that email on May 15. It sounds like you didn't receive that? Right after sending your email, did you get an automated response from our BitBot assistant to confirm that we received it? If you didn't receive either of those emails, please make sure you check any junk folders/spam filters in case they were caught there. If you definitely didn't receive them, let us know and we can try replying to your email again. Thanks! :)

    ref: DFP-54833-758

  • abelj
    Community Member

    Hi Drew
    Thanks for the quick reply. This appears to be a communications issue. I attach what was sent by BitBot and did not go to my spam. I immediately responded by going to the Forum, and posting the entire chain of communications, as I thought that might help. Never got a reply. All of this should appear if you follow the chain of communications.
    So lets move on. How do I get my problem solved?

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @abelj,

    Thank you for the screenshot! It looks like you received both emails from us, as your screenshot shows 2 different email messages. The top half of your screenshot is the automated response from BitBot to confirm that we received your email. The bottom half is the email reply from Chris, sent a few days later. We never heard back from you after that. Did you ever reply to Chris's email?

    I immediately responded by going to the Forum, and posting the entire chain of communications, as I thought that might help.

    I'm not sure what you mean - are you saying that after you received Chris's email, you posted your reply in this forum thread? Before today, the last time you posted in the forums was May 8, shortly before I asked you to send us a diagnostics report.

    Never got a reply. All of this should appear if you follow the chain of communications.

    I'm afraid I don't see any forum posts from you between May 8 and today, and the most recent email we received from you was on May 12 when you sent the diagnostics report. So I don't know exactly which chain of communication you mean. As far as I can tell, we never heard back from you after Chris replied to your email.

    So lets move on. How do I get my problem solved?

    Please reply to Chris's email. To avoid confusion, we'll keep the conversation going directly via email so we don't duplicate efforts between here and there. Cheers! :)

    ref: DFP-54833-758

This discussion has been closed.