Unable to Unlock Full Stand Alone App Using Master Password

Community Member

I purchased 1Password in Dec. Today, it no longer functions. I am no longer able to unlock 1Password using the master password. I did not change the master password & I have not forgotten it. I always copy and paste the password. I did try entering manually. All attempts failed. My passwords are now locked away from ME.

See log entries below:

Tue Apr 18 08:51:45 2017| 664002 [HELPER:(Main Thread):] M applicationWillFinishLaunching: | Starting 1Password mini 6.6.4 #664002 built Mar 24 2017 13:58:31
Tue Apr 18 08:51:46 2017| 664002 [SYNC:(Main Thread):OPSyncManager.swift] S delegate | Sync manager delegate set to not nil. OPI-3606
Tue Apr 18 08:51:46 2017| 664002 [HELPER:(Main Thread):] M applicationDidFinishLaunching: | Starting 1Password mini 6.6.4 #664002 built Mar 24 2017 13:58:31. Running from: /Applications/1Password.app/Contents/Library/LoginItems/2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper.app
Tue Apr 18 08:51:46 2017| 664002 [DATABASE:(Main Thread):] S openDatabaseWithError: | SQLite Version: 3.16.0
Tue Apr 18 08:51:51 2017| 664002 [DATABASE:(Secondary Thread 0x7fde8ba36ed0):] S openDatabaseWithError: | SQLite Version: 3.16.0
Tue Apr 18 08:51:51 2017| 664002 [STORE:(Main Thread):] S refreshProducts | Requesting in-app purchases from App Store
Tue Apr 18 08:51:51 2017| 664002 [HELPER:(Main Thread):] E application:didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError: | - Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=1 "kCFHostErrorHostNotFound / kCFStreamErrorSOCKSSubDomainVersionCode / kCFStreamErrorSOCKS5BadResponseAddr / kCFStreamErrorDomainPOSIX / evtNotEnb / siInitSDTblErr / kUSBPending / dsBusError / kStatusIsError / kOTSerialSwOverRunErr / cdevResErr / EPERM: / Error code is the version of SOCKS which the server wishes to use / / POSIX errno; interpret using <sys/errno.h> / event not enabled at PostEvent / slot int dispatch table could not be initialized. / / bus error / / / Couldn't get a needed resource; alert / Operation not permitted"
Tue Apr 18 08:51:51 2017| 664002 [HELPER:(Secondary Thread 0x7fde8ba36ed0):] S activeProfileWillChangeNotification: | Enabling reauth requests for all accounts.
Tue Apr 18 08:51:51 2017| 664002 [HELPER:(Secondary Thread 0x7fde8ba36ed0):] S b5DatabaseIsReady | B5 Database opened successfully!
Tue Apr 18 08:51:51 2017| 664002 [DATABASE:(Secondary Thread 0x7fde8ba36ed0):] S openDatabaseWithError: | SQLite Version: 3.16.0
Tue Apr 18 08:51:51 2017| 664002 [XPC:(Secondary Thread 0x7fde8ba36ed0):] S start | Starting XPC Server
Tue Apr 18 08:51:51 2017| 664002 [STORE:(Secondary Thread 0x7fde8bb536e0):<OPAppStoreReceipt: 0x7fde8ba2a780, Version = 6.5.3;
OrigDate = 2016-12-30T20:47:05Z;
OrigVer = 6.5.3;
BundleIdentifier = com.agilebits.onepassword-osx;

] E verifyWithBundleIdentifier:bundleVersion:guidDataOrNil: | Failed to validate receipt, invalid app version. Bundle version: 6.6.4. Receipt version: 6.5.3

Tue Apr 18 08:51:51 2017| 664002 [STORE:(Secondary Thread 0x7fde8bb536e0):] E readApplicationReceipt | Failed to validate receipt file:///Users/Teri/Library/Group%20Containers/2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits/App%20Store%20Receipts/receipt,
Tue Apr 18 08:51:51 2017| 664002 [STORE:(Secondary Thread 0x7fde8bb536e0):OPAppStore] S receiptVersionIsGrandfathered: | Receipt is grandfathered due to receipt version: 6.5.3
Tue Apr 18 08:51:51 2017| 664002 [STORE:(Secondary Thread 0x7fde8bb536e0):] S readApplicationReceipt | IAP not purchased, IAP will remain locked
Tue Apr 18 08:51:51 2017| 664002 [STORE:(Secondary Thread 0x7fde8bb536e0):] S readApplicationReceipt | Customer is grandfathered, unlocking IAP
Tue Apr 18 08:51:51 2017| 664002 [STORE:(Secondary Thread 0x7fde8bb536e0):] S updateLicenseStatus | Is full license because customer purchased full standalone.
Tue Apr 18 08:51:51 2017| 664002 [STORE:(Secondary Thread 0x7fde8bb536e0):] S validate | Changing license status to: 3
Tue Apr 18 08:51:52 2017| 664002 [EXT:(Main Thread):] M start | [ES3] Starting JSE server on port 6258
Tue Apr 18 08:51:52 2017| 664002 [EXT:(Main Thread):] M start | [ES4] Starting JSE server on port 6263
Tue Apr 18 08:51:52 2017| 664002 [STORE:(Main Thread):] S notifyAboutLicenseChange | Posting License Status Changed notification
Tue Apr 18 08:51:58 2017| 664002 [EXT:(Secondary Thread 0x7fde88d270e0):] M webSocketForURI: | [ES4] Extension connected Firefox-Extension 'resource://onepassword4-at-agilebits-dot-com / (null)'
Tue Apr 18 08:51:58 2017| 664002 [EXT:(Secondary Thread 0x7fde8b800320):] S didOpen | [ES4 0x7fde88d054c0] Connected 'resource://onepassword4-at-agilebits-dot-com:49472'
Tue Apr 18 08:51:58 2017| 664002 [EXT:(Secondary Thread 0x7fde8bb536e0):] S findExtensionProcessForPort: | [ES4 0x7fde88d054c0] Connected resource://onepassword4-at-agilebits-dot-com:49472: launched 2017-04-18 13:51:37 +0000
Tue Apr 18 08:51:58 2017| 664002 [EXT:(Secondary Thread 0x7fde8bb536e0):] S verifyClient:satisfiesRequirement: | Extension client 'resource://onepassword4-at-agilebits-dot-com' () passed validation
Tue Apr 18 08:51:58 2017| 664002 [EXT:(Secondary Thread 0x7fde8bb536e0):] S sendAction:payload: | [ES4 0x7fde88d054c0] resource://onepassword4-at-agilebits-dot-com sendAction: 'authBegin'
Tue Apr 18 08:51:58 2017| 664002 [EXT:(Secondary Thread 0x7fde8ba36ed0):] S sendAction:payload: | [ES4 0x7fde88d054c0] resource://onepassword4-at-agilebits-dot-com sendAction: 'authContinue'
Tue Apr 18 08:51:58 2017| 664002 [EXT:(Secondary Thread 0x7fde8ba36ed0):] S sendWelcome | Welcoming version 4.6.4 of Firefox-Extension.
Tue Apr 18 08:51:58 2017| 664002 [EXT:(Secondary Thread 0x7fde8ba36ed0):] S sendAction:payload: | [ES4 0x7fde88d054c0] resource://onepassword4-at-agilebits-dot-com sendAction: 'welcome'
Tue Apr 18 08:52:05 2017| 664002 [STORE:(Secondary Thread 0x7fde8b800320):] S productsRequest:didReceiveResponse: | Received a product request response from the App Store
Tue Apr 18 08:52:05 2017| 664002 [STORE:(Secondary Thread 0x7fde8b800320):] E productsRequest:didReceiveResponse: | Failed to refresh app store products, no products returned:
Tue Apr 18 08:52:05 2017| 664002 [STORE:(Secondary Thread 0x7fde8b800320):] E productsRequest:didReceiveResponse: | SKProductsRequest returned invalid product identifiers: (

1Password Version: 1Password Version 6.6.4 (664002) Mac App Store
Extension Version:
OS Version: macOS 10.12.4 (16E195)
Sync Type: iCloud
Referrer: forum-search:remains locked


  • Teri
    Community Member

    Today the log lists only one invalid product identifier:
    Wed Apr 19 13:36:23 2017| 664002 [STORE:(Secondary Thread 0x608000469140):] E productsRequest:didReceiveResponse: | SKProductsRequest returned invalid product identifiers: (

    Note that this installation is NOT a trial.
    I am still unable to access 1Password using the master password.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Teri,

    I'm sorry to hear your master password is no longer being accepted by 1Password! Was it working correctly until the last day or so? Did you install any updates to 1Password or to your Mac right before the problem started?

    You mentioned you "always copy and paste the password". Do you mean you don't have it memorized, but instead have it written down somewhere else on your Mac, and you copy and paste it from there into the master password field on the 1Password lock screen? If so, is there any chance any part of the master password was accidentally changed in the app/document where you store it? If you don't have it memorized, a small change could easily be unnoticed.

    If you're positive it hasn't changed and you're entering the same master password that you always have, the suggestions in this support article might help: If you forgot your Master Password or you can't unlock 1Password

    Please let us know how it goes, and if it's still a problem, we'll continue from there. Thanks!

  • Teri
    Community Member

    I see in the log file (I pasted it into my issue) that 1Password is being identified as a trial, which is considered invalid product identifier. My installation is not a trial. Following the invalid identifier, the last log is:
    Wed Apr 19 17:51:18 2017| 664002 [STORE:(Secondary Thread 0x60000046f080):<OPAppStore: 0x6180002833e0>] S requestDidFinish: | App Store request did finish <SKProductsRequest: 0x61800003de00>

    The last 1Password update on my Mac was on Apr 6.

    The master password is correct. I copy and paste just because it's faster than typing. I did enter the master password manually as well with the same result.

    I restored 1Password back to Mar 30, and it was working then as it shows 54 items for that backup and on Mar 31 there are 57 items. The invalid product identifier shown above is still being logged.

    It appears that the app thinks that the install is a trial and so remains locked. From reading the logs, I am just guessing, but it seems like the change to subscription based licensing logic may have a hole through which my installation is falling & failing. I don't think I have any control over this. The app is going to remain locked as long it receives the invalid product identifier. At least that's how it appears to me.

    I'm including some images, showing the first backup on Dec 30, the restored backup selection of Mar 30 & a snap shot of the application log.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Teri,

    Even if the 1Password app was in trial mode and the trial had expired, that wouldn't prevent you from unlocking it with your master password. You can still access all your data after a trial is expired, although you wouldn't be able to make any changes or fill web forms with the browser extension. Also, it looks like you're using the Mac App Store version of 1Password, which doesn't actually have its own trial mode - it will be in read-only mode unless you've purchased it through the Mac App Store or sign into a 1Password.com account.

    According to the log, 1Password is successfully reading the Mac App Store receipt from your purchase a few months ago, so that's not a problem. Seeing a reference to "com.agilebits.standalone.mac.trial" in the log doesn't mean the app is in trial mode (but again, even if it did, that wouldn't cause your master password to be rejected).

    So, something else must be causing your master password to not work. You said you were able to restore 1Password from a March 30 backup, so your master password must have worked with that backup file. Have you tried restoring from the latest backup, or from another backup more recent than March 30?

    If your master password works for the March 30 backup but not for a more recent backup, that means either that master password was changed at some point after March 30, or there's a problem with newer copies of your database. If you haven't already done so, please try the more recent backups to see which is the latest you can restore from, and let us know how it goes. Thanks! :)

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