1Password v. 6.6.4 (MAS) Watchtower has been empty for the last few months (500+ logins, incl yahoo)

Community Member

Watchtower list on Mac App Store version of 1Password has been empty since an update a few months back. This seems odd as I have over 500 logins, including yahoo.com which is listed on your site as a vulnerable site. I have enabled and disabled Watchtower a few times - no difference. Has there been any reported problems of Watchtower not populating?

1Password Version: 6
Extension Version: 6.4
OS Version: MacOS 10.12.4
Sync Type: iCloud
Referrer: forum-search:watchtower no vulnerable items


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @rbreen,

    Just because you have a Login item for a site which was listed in Watchtower as vulnerable at one point doesn't necessarily mean it will be listed in the Watchtower section of the 1Password app on your Mac. For example, if you've changed the password in that Login item more recently than the date that site was reported as being vulnerable, 1Password won't show you the Watchtower warning for that Login item.

    However, if your Watchtower list suddenly became empty a couple months ago, that's likely because we recently updated our Watchtower database to remove a number of sites that were marked as vulnerable due to the Heartbleed incident three years ago. Most sites affected by Heartbleed should no longer be vulnerable, but if you haven't updated those passwords in the last 3 years, it's still a good idea to update them just to be safe. Try checking the "3+ years old" option in the Security Audit section (in the sidebar of the main 1Password app) to see which passwords you might want to update.

    I hope this helps to explain the change in the Watchtower list that you noticed, and I apologize for any confusion about that! Please let us know if you have more questions. :)

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