[Feature Request] Keyboard shortcut to copy username

Community Member

I'm interested in a keyboard shortcut to copy the username. This would be great in the mac environment since you can't autofill for applications. Thanks.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.11.6
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @r2d2,

    Thank you for taking the time to write in with your request! I don't believe our developers currently have plans to add a keyboard shortcut to copy the username field, but maybe it's something they'll consider in the future.

    For now, in case it helps, you can use ⌥⌘\ (option+command+backslash) to open 1Password mini, navigate to an item, and use ⌘O to open the item details in a floating window. Then you can click the username to copy it, paste it into the other app, and do the same with the password. The focus will stay in the app where you paste the info, so you won't even need to manually switch between that app and the floating window.

    Alternately, if you just want to copy the username and/or want to copy it using only the keyboard, you can use ⌥⌘\ to open 1Password mini, then use the arrow keys to navigate to the Login item (or start typing the name of the item to search for it). When the item details appear, use the up or down arrow to highlight the username field and press return/enter on your keyboard to copy it.

    I know that might not be as convenient for you as a keyboard shortcut for the username, but I wanted to mention those tips just in case they're helpful. Thanks again for your feature request. We're here for you if you need anything else! :)

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