Fill OTPs automatically 1Password

Community Member

Across the different platforms, is it currently possible to fill in One-Time-Passwords automatically?

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  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @kylerphillips,

    1Password isn't currently able to fill one-time passwords on any platform, because the 1Password extension doesn't support filling custom fields. Our developers have been working on a feature for the Mac version which automatically copies the one-time password to the clipboard after filling a Login, but I don't know when that feature will be added to a stable release.

    If you have more questions, just let us know - we're here for you! :)

  • kylerphillips
    Community Member

    Thanks @Drew_AG - do you have this feature available in beta currently?

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @kylerphillips,

    We've had this feature available in some betas, but we haven't released a beta since our recent 6.7.1 update, so it's not currently available. I don't know for sure if it will be in the next beta (or when the next beta will be available), but if you're interested in helping us test beta releases, it's very easy to switch if you're using the AgileBits Store version of 1Password for Mac. We have the steps here: How to use 1Password beta versions

    If you do decide to try the beta version of 1Password for Mac, you can post about issues or give feedback about it in our Mac Beta forum. Cheers! :)

  • DingoBlue
    Community Member

    Hi, Would really love to see this feature.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    I'm glad to hear you're also interested in that feature, @DingoBlue. Thanks for letting us know! :)

  • pinskerj
    Community Member

    Following up on this, is there a way to put the one time code into a variable, same was you can use $$username or $$password? There is a site I use that makes you combine the password with the the onetime code, it could be auto appended if it was a variable.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @pinskerj,

    It's not currently possible to do something like that in 1Password, but maybe it's something our developers can investigate in the future. Thanks for letting us know you'd be interested in a feature like that! :)

  • feat_ford
    Community Member
    edited May 2017

    Absolutely cannot wait for this feature (copy OTP to clipboard after fill) to be released into a build, or get access to it in another beta. If I had known the feature was removed from the stable release I would have never upgraded from the last beta. I miss it that much!

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Glad to hear you're excited about that feature, @feat_ford! And sorry for any misunderstanding about it being a beta-only feature for now. I also look forward to having it in a stable release. :)

  • kylerphillips
    Community Member

    @Drew_AG Is this something that developers have been reluctant to implement due to security concerns or just something that hasn't been prioritized? I understand it would be wrong to speculate.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    @kylerphillips, I really don't know the exact details, but basically our developers would like to do a better job with this feature and are fleshing out how it works.

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