Another Lost Master Password

Community Member


I've been using 1Password for a very long time, and since the advent of TouchID have not been required to enter my master password for a very long time. For some reason the iOS app is now not offering TouchID to unlock the vault, and I cannot seem to get the master password right.

I am in a really sticky situation because I've got over 100 passwords I can't get at, including some which are not recoverable.

I have tried two mechanisms to recover - one is an applescript which is iterating over a dictionary of possible passphrases and attempting to brute force to Mac client, the other is using hashcat. At this point im fairly certain ive tried every possible password i would have used, and still no luck. I have a few questions im hoping you can address:

  • Does 1Password for mac throttle attempts on the master password?
  • Is there any way to get my iOS device to allow me into the vault with TouchID again?
  • Is there any known issues with vault corruption recently which might have affected me?
  • Do you have any other suggestions, beyond your FAQ?


1Password Version: 6.7.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS X 10.12.3
Sync Type: iCloud


  • Hi @trickards,

    Does 1Password for mac throttle attempts on the master password?

    No. Due to the fact that we use PBKDF2 which is purposefully slow there's no real need for us to throttle that.

    Is there any way to get my iOS device to allow me into the vault with TouchID again?

    I can't think of a way, unfortunately.

    Is there any known issues with vault corruption recently which might have affected me?

    None that I know of.

    Do you have any other suggestions, beyond your FAQ?

    Do you have a sync vault like an AgileKeychain file or OPVault? Do you maybe know the passwords to one of those? Or maybe data in iCloud? Do you have an older backup that might have a Master Password that you know?

    What were you using to unlock the Mac? Touch ID there too?

    I'm really sorry that this is happening to you.


  • trickards
    Community Member

    Thanks for the swift response, Rick. Prior to this problem I wasn't using the mac client, I have just installed it to facilitate recovery. The vault is synced over iCloud, I also have an old synced vault on dropbox - I cannot seem to crack either of them.

  • :(

    We really hate when this happens. I assume you've tried stuff like killing the iOS app from memory and restarting it. Or even rebooting the phone? Do you happen to have access to the iOS keychain? It'd probably require that your phone be jailbroken, but if your phone happens to be jailbroken there might be something worth looking at there.


  • trickards
    Community Member

    @rickfillion Do you know where the sync'd vault is stored in iCloud on OS X Sierra?

  • @trickards : it's not stored anywhere on disk. We use iCloud/CloudKit which means that there's no OPVault file or AgileKeychain backing sync in that case... it's all just on their server. The only thing that's local is the 1Password for Mac database itself.


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