Mac 1Password 6 multiple vaults

Community Member

I am using 1Password 6 on Mac (standalone). I have created one vault,
Now I need to move 4 vaults from windows to Mac. I have copied the data on USB drive. How can I open these vaults on Mac?
I don't see any option to open another vault like what I see on Windows version.

Eventually I am planning to move these vaults on dropbox.

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • vipson
    Community Member

    The file from Windows version has ".agilekeychain" extension and the file from Mac has ".opvault" as extension.
    If I double click the the file from Windows version nothing happens.

    How can I move/open the vault?

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @vipson,

    Was 1Password unlocked on your Mac when you double clicked the .agilekeychain vault there?

  • vipson
    Community Member

    No. Finally I figured it out.
    With 1Password closed, I double-click the file from windows, it asks for password. This is where I have to enter the password for primary vault that I had created on Mac..and then it asks for the password for the vault from Windows and creates vault.

    Now the question is how do I delete that primary vault on Mac that I created at first and make this new vault (using the file from windows) as primary?

  • vipson
    Community Member
    edited May 2017

    So, primary vault, and vault_from_windows - these are the two vaults I have now.
    Primary vault has password say as "mypassword" and vault_from_windows has "amazing1password".
    I am using vault_from_windows and I click lock to lock it down.

    Now to open the vault I come to 1Password. It says "enter your master password".
    Now, I enter the password "mypassword" and it opens up both vaults.

    How can I lock each vault in a way that it asks for it's respective password?
    When it says that "Enter your master password" is it asking for Mac's master password or primary vault's password?

    • note that my Mac's login password is "mypassword" - which is the same as primary vault's password.
  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @vipson,

    I'm glad to hear you figured out how to add the second vault to 1Password on your Mac!

    To answer your questions:

    How can I lock each vault in a way that it asks for it's respective password?

    1Password for Mac works a bit different than 1Password 4 for Windows: In 1Password for Mac, the master password for your Primary vault will unlock all your vaults. It works that way for your convenience, so you only need to enter one master password to access all your data, instead of needing to unlock each vault separately. Each secondary vault still has its own master password, but you won't need to enter it unless you add that vault on another device (or remove and re-add it to 1Password on your Mac).

    When it says that "Enter your master password" is it asking for Mac's master password or primary vault's password?

    It's asking for the master password for your Primary vault.

    Hopefully that answers your questions, but please let us know if you need anything else. We're always happy to help! :)

  • vipson
    Community Member have been very helpful..
    Finally I moved my vault to Dropbox.
    Since it was created on Windows using 1Password 4 it is in ".agilekeychain" extension and not in ".opvault".

    How do I get it to .opvault format/extension?
    And last question:
    How do I delete primary vault (I created after install) and keep the others?

  • vipson
    Community Member

    After digging I find:

    Question - after following this instructions should I be able to put the data on DropBox (yes) and sync between Mac, Windows, iOS etc.?

  • vipson
    Community Member

    Got the answer hard way :) I was able to sync but it got duplicates :(..
    Anyway, learned a lot.

    That leaves me with one final question:
    On Mac, can I delete Primary vault?

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @vipson: As far as the duplicates, you may find that Security Audit in the sidebar showing you duplicate passwords will help hunt those down faster to clean things up.

    With regard to the Primary vault, once you're certain you no longer need it, you can disable local vaults in 1Password Preferences > Advanced. Cheers! :)

  • vipson
    Community Member

    I found a way to do it.

    Thank you for helping out. Really appreciate.
    We can close this thread.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    On behalf of Brenty, you're very welcome! I'm happy to hear you're all set now. If you have more questions or need anything else, don't hesitate to let us know. Cheers! :)

This discussion has been closed.