passwords working then disappearing from devices.

Community Member

I joined 1password a few days ago. I have a mac laptop, iphone and ipads. I have a problem where I enter the new password generated by 1passowrd in the appropriate field in the Outlook email system I run for work email. All works fine. Then a few hours later, I'll be (surprisingly) prompted for the password by outlook and I'll find I'm locked out of the emails because my devices (not sure which) have apparently been trying to connect while using an incorrect email password. That's odd because they all had the correct one entered. Then, when I go back into the account on my laptop, the password I put in is gone. Its just an empty space like nothing was ever there so for some reason its getting deleted spontaneously. This has never happened before I had 1passord and has already resulted in me having to contact my IT area 4 times to get my account unlocked. They are getting a bit sick of it and so am I to be frank. A similar thing is also happening to my mac icloud email. Any suggestions?

1Password Version: 6.7.1
Extension Version: 4.6.5
OS Version: os x 10.12.4
Sync Type: icloud I think.


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @cortinaboy,

    Thanks for contacting us for help! Just to make sure I understand the situation: You enter your Outlook password in the Outlook app on your Mac and iOS devices, and the password is accepted and your email works. But a few hours later, Outlook rejects the password and prompts you to enter it again (and it is missing from the settings in the Outlook app). Is that correct?

    If so, it doesn't sound like 1Password is causing the problem, because 1Password has nothing to do with whether or not your password is accepted by or stored in Outlook. You said you generated your new Outlook password in 1Password, but as far as Outlook is concerned, it's just a random string of characters you chose for yourself and typed or copied into the Outlook app settings. If Outlook accepts it at first and rejects it later, 1Password isn't involved with that at all, and it sounds like a problem in Outlook or the server it connects to.

    When you generated that password, did you follow steps in Outlook (or on a website for the account you use in Outlook) to change from the old password to the new one? If not, Outlook would still be expecting your old password. Or if you went through steps to change your password, did it confirm that the new password was accepted and successfully changed?

  • cortinaboy
    Community Member

    HI Drew,

    Yes, that all makes sense and tried all that but without much luck. It would work for a while and then Id be locked out again, although I think Ive found the issue. I have noticed when I put in a new password for outlook, a mac keychain window momentarily appears, only to disappear when the 1Passord window comes up asking if Id like to store it. usually that keychain window would stay there until I said yes or no to it, but here I dont get a chance so I suspect what is happening is that the keychain is retaining an incorrect password and that's creating issues at work because my password there is used for many tasks, not just email (although its the same). I believe Ive fixed it by manually going into keychain and deleting anything related to my work so that only the new password (the 1password one) is available. I want the keychain function working though in case Im offline or whatever, so is there a way to allow the keychain function to remain, or does 1Password kind of prevent me using it to avoid conflicts like this?

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @cortinaboy,

    From your description, I agree - it sounds like the macOS keychain has something to do with this. If you change your Outlook password from a website and then get prompts from both 1Password and your Mac to update your data with the new password, then Safari's password manager must be enabled. I'm surprised to hear the Mac keychain dialog disappears, though - if it's hidden by the 1Password dialog, I would expect the Mac keychain dialog to still be there once you dismiss 1Password.

    Normally we recommend turning off the built-in password manager in your browser to avoid confusion between that and 1Password. That would only disable the Mac keychain in Safari, and it would still work elsewhere on your Mac. But since you need to update your Outlook password in both 1Password and the Mac keychain, if you disabled Safari's password manager, you'd need to manually update your password in the keychain (or maybe through the Outlook app) when you change it on the website and in 1Password.

    Aside from in Safari, 1Password and the Mac keychain shouldn't intersect with each other.

    I want the keychain function working though in case Im offline

    I'm not quite sure what you mean, as 1Password still works even if you're offline because your 1Password database is stored locally on your Mac.

    But having said that, you definitely don't need to stop using the keychain on your Mac. In fact, the keychain is necessary to keep track of Wi-Fi access points, Certificates, Keys, and other things that happen in the background that you would typically expect the OS to take care of.

    If you also need to have the Mac keychain store your Outlook password (in order to use it with other non-browser apps on your Mac), and you're unable to update that password in the keychain when you change it on a website (because the Mac keychain dialog disappears), then you might need to update it manually in the keychain so it matches the new password you entered on the website and saved in 1Password. I'm not sure of the exact procedure, but hopefully this will help the next time you need to change it?

  • cortinaboy
    Community Member

    Thanks. Does it make any difference if I use firefox and not safari? Also, I wonder if you can explain this. I have iphone, ipand and mac laptop. I now seem to have the laptop sorted, but the iphone often comes up with an error saiyng the outlook passowrd is incorrect. It is the same thing that was happeing with the laptop, so it seems to reflect an application using an old password and that leading the server to lock me out after a number of failed attempts. The interesting thing is though that it seems to be phone specific, as I can immediately open outlook on the laptop and all is fine. I would have thought if the phone led the email server to shut off access, it would be teh whole account shut down and not just the phone. This is relevant to me as I'm trying to figure out whether I need to speak to administrators of my email account at work; whether I need to fiddle with general outlook preferences, or whether its a competing application on the iphone. I assume the latter as the laptop now seems ok, but I dont quite understand how the account can be shut down on iphone, but not laptop if the 'cannot connect/wrong password' message is coming from server, as I assume it is.

  • cortinaboy
    Community Member

    ps the email accounts are a outlook for mac on laptop and an outlook account in the iphone and ipad mail settings.

  • cortinaboy
    Community Member

    oh, one more thing - hwn the iphone email is not working (wrong password), and then go to laptop and find it is ok, for somereason that corrects the issue in the iphone. When i go back to it, there are no more error messages and the email is fine, despite no changes to the settings on that device. it just seems weird that these things are only happenening since i started 1password. Im sure there's a trivial explanation, but I havent quite got it working seamlessly just yet.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Does it make any difference if I use firefox and not safari?

    @cortinaboy: Only slightly, as Firefox has their own password management feature as well. As always, we recommend disabling it to avoid conflicts and confusion.

    I now seem to have the laptop sorted, but the iphone often comes up with an error saiyng the outlook passowrd is incorrect.

    Indeed, iCloud Keychain will sync system login credentials (which Mail uses) between devices, so the best thing to do when you get a message like that will be to go to your settings and enter the correct password. It doesn't sound like you're actually getting locked out, but it's worth pursuing just the same.

    This is relevant to me as I'm trying to figure out whether I need to speak to administrators of my email account at work; whether I need to fiddle with general outlook preferences, or whether its a competing application on the iphone.

    It really sounds like you need to get in touch with your administrator and/or email provider to make sure you have everything configured properly. That's just not something we'd be able to help with, and we'd probably do more harm than good. :tongue:

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