password generator character limit

This discussion was created from comments split from: Generating passwords with numbers that are still easy to type.


  • webregnet
    Community Member
    edited May 2017

    I need a 13 random number and the limit is 10: An incredible limitation for the number one 1P !!!
    Why a such limitation ?

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @webregnet,

    Your question is a bit different than the topic of the previous discussion, so I've moved your message to a new thread. I hope you don't mind!

    The password generator can go up to 64 characters, but do you need to generate one that is exactly 13 characters long and made entirely out of numbers? Or do you need to generate one that is longer, but 13 of the characters need to be numbers? Is this a requirement on a certain website? I've never seen a requirement for a password to be 13 numbers with no letters or symbols, and that would actually be relatively insecure compared to passwords that are longer and/or contain letters and symbols, so I'm curious if you can let us know more about that. Thanks! :)

  • webregnet
    Community Member
    edited May 2017

    Thank you to move my question to a new topic.
    I need to generate password with 13 characters and with numbers only.
    Some french administration website request this.
    So I don't understand why 1P limit 10 numbers only, just let it generate beyond 10 please.
    I have to use an excel sheet to generate it, not very convenient when I'm owning 1P.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks, @webregnet! That's a bit of an unusual requirement/restriction for a website password. I'm sorry 1Password isn't able to help you with that! I don't know the exact reason why numbers are limited to 10 in the password generator, but I imagine part of it is that we didn't have this specific use case in mind when designing it (indeed, I've never previously heard of a website requiring a password like that). The option to include numbers is meant to add them to passwords which otherwise would have only letters. It wasn't really intended to make passwords containing only numbers.

    Perhaps this is something our developers can consider for a future version (although I can't make any promises). Thanks for letting us know that would be a helpful feature for you! If you have more questions or need anything else, please let us know. Have a great weekend! :)

This discussion has been closed.