Disagreement between main app & mini

Community Member

OSX: Chg a site's psw & allow update of existing login in 1P with new psw. Main 1P app is correctly updated, but mini shows & fills with old psw. I must manually update psw in the mini 1P. How can I prevent a failure to sync between main app and mini? "All vaults" is selected in mini prefs. Should this be set differently? I emphasize: this lack of agreement is between main app and mini on the same iMac. I think iOS devices on local net are synced OK. Thx.

David Ransen

1Password Version: 6.7.1 (671001)
Extension Version: ?
OS Version: OS X 10.12.4
Sync Type: iCloud
Referrer: forum-search:OSX: Chg the psw for a site & allow update of 1P with the new psw; 1P mini shows & uses old psw!


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @brdoc1,

    Is it at all possible that you have the Mac App Store and AgileBits Store versions of 1Password installed at the same time on your Mac? If so, that most likely explains the problem, because each of those keeps a separate database on your Mac. For example, when you change a password, you might be updating the Login item in one version, but the copy of 1Password mini running in the menu bar could be from the other version.

    If you go to the Applications folder on your Mac, do you see two 1Password app files in there? If you see "1Password.app", that's the Mac App Store version. If you see "1Password 6.app", that's the AgileBits Store version. If you only see a single 1Password app in Applications, you can try using Spotlight to search for "1Password" on your Mac to see if a second one is located somewhere else.

    If that's not the problem, it sounds like you have multiple vaults in 1Password - is it possible the Login items you update are in one vault, but there are older copies of those Logins in another vault?

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