Missing Vault on one (but not another) user account

Community Member

I use a pair of user accounts (Personal + Work) on a MacBook Pro and I use a pair of 1Password Vaults (Personal + Work). I'd wanted to have the primary vault match the user account that I was using at any particular time, but to have the 'wrong' vault accessible as a secondary vault.

My personal user account works as I'd intended (i.e., both vaults are selectable) but only my personal 1P vault is accessible in my work user account. There is no way in my work user account to access some log ins.

Here's a screenshot of my faulty work user account, desktop version of 1P (right) overlaid on web picture of a fully functioning 1P, with multiple vaults selectable.

So my questions are:

  • what the hell have I done here?
  • how can I fix it?

Thank you

1Password Version: 6.7 (670008)
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 10.12.5 (16F71b)
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:Missing Vault on one (but not another) user account


  • @RobR_61,

    Did you set your primary vault in the account that's setup correctly to sync to folder/dropbox/etc and then double click it in the secondary user account to add it as a secondary vault in that install?


  • RobR_61
    Community Member

    Thanks very much for the reply Rudy - I'm not sure that I entirely understand what you're asking, but if it's about how I set it up before I'd noticed - I've entirely forgotten!

    Do you know if I can fix this in the UI or do I need to do something more dramatic like uncouple my account from 1Password and set up again from scratch?

  • @RobR_61,

    If you look at the Preferences window in 1Password on either of your two macOS accounts do you see any entries? If you don't then you're working with strictly standalone vaults and not an account at all. In which case you would need to setup a way to sync that vault with your other system user account.

    Could you send us a diagnostic reports for the two system accounts which will give us a better picture of what you actually have configured and inform the way forward.

    Sending Diagnostics Reports (Mac)

    Attach the Diagnostics Report(s) to an email message addressed to support+forum@agilebits.com.

    Please do not post your Diagnostics Report(s) in the forums, but please do include a link to this thread in your email, along with your forum handle so that we can "connect the dots" when we see your Diagnostics Report(s) in our inbox.

    You should receive an automated reply from our BitBot assistant with a Support ID number. Please post that number here so we can track down the report(s) and ensure that this issue is dealt with quickly. :)

    Once we see the report we should be able to better assist you. Thanks very much!


  • RobR_61
    Community Member

    Thanks Rudy - the report's on it's way with a few other thoughts and comments!

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @RobR_61,

    Thanks for sending your diagnostics report from your MacBook Pro! That only shows the information for one of your user accounts on that Mac, so we'll just need to know a few more details to make sure we give you the right steps to get this all set up the way you want it.

    The diagnostics report shows only 1 vault in 1Password for that Mac user account, and that vault is syncing with the following sync file in Dropbox: ~/Dropbox/1Password/1Password.agilekeychain

    The report also shows you have 3 different sync files in Dropbox:

    • ~/Dropbox/1Password/1Password.agilekeychain
    • ~/Dropbox/1Password/HomeVault/Home.agilekeychain
    • ~/Dropbox/1Password/junk/Personal.agilekeychain

    We just need to figure out which sync file is for which vault. In your initial post, you said the Personal user account on your Mac is set up correctly (the Primary vault has your personal data, and the secondary vault has your work data). If that's still correct, let's start by checking the sync settings there:

    • Sign into your Personal user account on your MacBook Pro.
    • Open 1Password and go to 1Password > Preferences in the menu bar.
    • Click the Sync tab and select the Primary vault on the left side.
    • Make sure it shows your Primary vault is set to sync with Dropbox.
    • Which sync file in Dropbox is shown there for your Primary vault?
    • Select the "secondary" vault on the left side.
    • Make sure it shows your secondary vault is set to sync with Dropbox.
    • Which sync file in Dropbox is shown there for your secondary vault?

    Once we know that, we'll be able to explain exactly how to set up the Work account on your Mac so that the Primary vault there has your work data, and the secondary vault has your personal data. Thanks in advance! :)

    ref: AVR-99169-172

This discussion has been closed.