Update logins with 1Password mini


I tried to update different existing logins, but it was not working. Maybe I did something wrong?

Here a short description what I have done - for example with my Amazon login

I opened the Amazon login page.
Up to now 1Password filled the username and password into the fields.
Now I like that 1Password hooks the field for "keep me signed in" also.
So I filled the username and password by hand and hooked the field for "keep me signed in".
Then (before I clicked the button for the login process) I clicked on 1Password mini and there on the gear and on save new login and chose update existing login and clicked on save.
Then I clicked the button on the amazon site for logging in.

Later I logged out and tried to log in again. But 1Password has not set the hook for "keep me signed in" again. So something was not working with the update.

Where is my fallacy?

1Password Version: 6.7
Extension Version:
OS Version: 10.11.6
Sync Type: 1Password account


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Philipp,

    I've moved your message to our Saving and Filling in Browsers forum. I hope you don't mind!

    Then (before I clicked the button for the login process) I clicked on 1Password mini and there on the gear and on save new login and chose update existing login and clicked on save.

    Please try this again, but instead of updating your existing Login item, choose to save a new one (give the new Login a unique name to make it easy to tell it apart from the old one). When you use the new Login item to fill the sign-in page, does it correctly enable the "keep me signed in" box?

  • Philipp
    Community Member

    Hi @Drew_AG
    Yes, with creating a new login it is working well. But is there a solution for updating an existing login or to merge the new and old together also?
    On many items I have manually inputs, notes, tags and also TOTP activated. It isn't a good solution for me to have two logins.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni
    edited May 2017

    Hi @Philipp,

    You don't need to keep two Login items for the same account on Amazon.com. Instead of copying the additional information from the old Login to the new one, you should be able to manually update the original Login item for Amazon to enable the "keep me signed in" option on that sign-in page (and you can delete the new Login you just created). To update the original one, follow these steps:

    1. Open the main 1Password app and find your original Login item for Amazon.com.
    2. Click the Edit button for that item, then click "show web form details".
    3. Look for a web form detail with an empty check box, it should be called something like "rememberMe".
    4. If you find it, click that box to put a check mark in it, like this:
    5. Click Save.

    Now 1Password should enable that check box when it fills the sign-in form. But if you don't see that check box in the web form details, please let us know (it's possible you saved that Login item in a different way or on a different form on Amazon.com). Thanks!

  • Philipp
    Community Member

    Hi @Drew_AG

    I have not found this checkbox. Maybe Amazon changed there website since beginning of 2011. (There I see I use 1Password for a really long time. First app I bought 2009) :p

    But with your important helping hand it was easy to copy and paste this line from the new to the old item. Now it is working fine!

    Like always thanks a lot!!!

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Awesome, I'm glad to hear you got it working by copying/pasting the web form details from the newer Login item! That would have been my next suggestion. :) Thanks for following up here to let us know how it all worked out.

    You should be all set now, but if you have more questions or need anything else, we're here for you. Cheers! :)

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