Really nasty secure notes bug

Community Member

Version: I am using the latest version 6.7.x on Mac Sierra and Yosemite

I wish I were able to reproduce this, but I am not sure how. I have recently updated from Yosemite to Sierra and one of my secure notes is completely unreadable on Sierra only. I can only view the first three lines of the note in either the read or edit modes. Back on my older imac which still runs Yosemite, I am able to view the entire note by clicking edit. In read mode it is the same three lines are shown. I copied the contents of the note and created a new note and it is visible on both machines and behaves normally.

So basically by opening the file on a newer version of MacOS I would lose access to this particular note, which in my case is made up of super strong database passwords for multiple servers and would be a nightmare to lose.

1Password Version: 6.7.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Yosemite and Sierra
Sync Type: Google Docs


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @scott_miller,

    I'm sorry you're having trouble with one of your Secure Notes! If I understand, your other Secure Notes are working correctly, and if you copy/paste everything from the non-working Secure Note to a new Secure Note, the new one works correctly. So it sounds like something went wrong with that one specific Secure Note. In that case, you should be able to solve that by copying/pasting the contents to a new Secure Note (and delete the original).

    However, I might be misunderstanding, since you mentioned this:

    So basically by opening the file on a newer version of MacOS I would lose access to this particular note

    Can you elaborate on that? If you're able to copy/paste the contents to a new Secure Note, I don't know why you would lose access to anything (except for the original non-working Secure Note on your Mac running Sierra). Has the same problem happened to any other items, or just that one?

  • scott_miller
    Community Member

    I don't use the secure notes feature frequently, so I cannot speak really broadly about them overall, but my few others seem to function correctly. You are correct, I was able to workaround this issue by using an old system. My point in reporting this bug is that if I had only one mac and I upgraded, I would have lost access to this particular note - its content simply would have disappeared. Not very secure if you ask me :)

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @scott_miller,

    I'm glad it was only a problem with that one item! This shouldn't have happened of course, and I don't expect it to happen again - but if it did happen again, there are other ways to try retrieving that data. So even if you weren't able to edit the item and copy/paste the contents, that doesn't mean you would lose it. (For example, you could try restoring from a backup, or duplicating that item, or exporting it to a .1pif or .csv file and importing it back into your vault.)

    Although I don't know why this happened to that item in the first place, I noticed you said you sync your 1Password data via "Google Docs" (which I'm assuming means you use the Folder sync option in 1Password in combination with Google Drive). There's a possibility that has something to do with it, because 1Password doesn't specifically support Google Drive. It should work in general, but the problem is that different cloud sync services handle conflict resolution in different ways. 1Password is programmed to handle conflicts in Dropbox and iCloud, but not in other third party services. So for example, if a conflict occurs with your sync data on Google Drive and it creates two files as a result (like Dropbox does), they might not be named in a way that 1Password understands. That could have some unexpected results.

    Now, that's really just some speculation on my part - I can't say for sure if that was the cause. But it's my best guess, so I wanted to mention it as a possibility. If you'd like information about the supported sync options in 1Password, you can find it in this knowledgebase article: Sync your 1Password data

    Hopefully this was just a one-time fluke and you won't run into a problem like this again, but if you do, please let us know and we'll be happy to take a further look into it. Cheers! :)

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