Linking to Dropbox

Community Member

Trying to use 1password on ios on iphone 6 for the first time. 1password had been set up on prior phone iphone 5s. At first kept getting pop up, Dropbox Authorization Failed. The first 20 times it came up, I chose Authorize. Despite Authorizing 20 times, it keeps coming up. Then saw saw that we needed to disable sync and reenable it on the forums. Then we get a "VAult discrepency. It appears that the primary vault is different from the vault that you selected in Dropbox please review these differences before deciding to merge these vaults." When we hit more information there are two vaults, "Your Box" with 11 items (dated Oct 11, 2015) and Dropbox Vault with 18 items (dated Oct 4, 2016). When you hit merge these vaults anyway we are asked "Enter the password for 1password.agilekeychain in Dropbox to continue." When we go to Dropbox and locate this file there is no way to see what the password is. Please assist.

1Password Version: 6.5.4
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: IOS 10.3.1
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:asking password for 1password.agilekeychain


  • MrRooni

    Hi there @buzzy647. Thanks for taking the time to get in touch with us. I'm sorry about the trouble you're having getting your iPhone 6 set up with Dropbox syncing. Your Master Password is not saved to your AgileKeychain file, so you won't be able to go there to see what it is.

    Since you've been syncing to Dropbox on your iPhone 5s, the password for your vault should be the same as the Master Password you used to unlock 1Password on your 5s.

    If that's not the case you may want to try some old Master Passwords you may have used in the past. Lastly, we have a great support document that might just help jog your memory about your Master Password. You can find it here:

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