strange entries showing under website app://

Community Member

I'm seeing strange password entries (with the key icon) titled Safari that show a website entry of app:// Trying "open and fill" obviously fails. They are associated with 1Password generated passwords dated Jan to Feb this year (2017). The last couple were generated within 6 minutes of each other on Feb 12 so I'm pretty sure I was changing a password. my email suggests the change was associated with Lifelock. my 1Password has no entries under Lifelock. I'm not sure of the versions of 1PW or the extension on that date (I've shown my current ones) but I generally update as soon as I get a notification.
Any idea what's generating these bizarre entries?

1Password Version: 6.7.1
Extension Version: 4.6.5
OS Version: OS X 10.12.4
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @gary_scarr,

    Thanks for asking about this, and I've got a couple questions for you:

    • Is the 1Password extension installed/enabled/working in Safari?
    • Do any Password items with app:// in their website field values have titles and, if so, can you post one of those titles?

    Here's an example of how to get a similar thing to happen with other apps:

    • Switch to non-browser app, e.g. Terminal.
    • Open Password Generator in 1Password mini.
    • Click Copy to copy the password and create a corresponding Password item with it.
    • The app bundle identifier for Terminal has been saved as the website field value:

    One way of doing that in Safari is without the extension installed, or when it's disabled or not working. I'm still not quite sure how it happened for you and answers to my questions above might help figure it out. :)


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