1password for Iphone does no longer fill in User and /or password information on some websites


It works normally on my macbook. But the last week i can not get my 1password on my IPHONE 7 with IOS10.3.2 to fill out on my logins for some places not everywhere. example: https://www.nordnet.no/mux/login/start.html?state=signin. and : https://login.yahoo.com/?.src=fpctx&.intl=us&.lang=en-US&.done=https://www.yahoo.com&as=1&login=niehanse&.crumb=vBLp4K.KZ0/ which is a 2 stage login with one page for user and one for password
It works fine with : http://tunein.com and : http://mobile.twitter.com/session/new
I tried to change browser from Safari to 1browser without success. All was fine for a week ago. I did not make new installs or any changes i know of Help

1Password Version: 6.7.1 (671001)
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.3.2
Sync Type: dropbox


  • matthew_ag
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @vangen,

    Thanks for writing in and sorry about the trouble getting 1Password to fill in those Logins.

    I just tried creating two fresh Login items using 1Password for iOS and was able to fill for both Nordnet and Yahoo, hopefully I can help get it to work for you too. Could you please try re-creating the Logins in the following way to see if they work for you?

    For Nordnet:
    1. Open 1Browser and navigate to https://www.nordnet.no/mux/login/start.html?state=signin
    2. Enter your username & password.
    3. Click the key icon at the bottom of 1Browser.
    4. Click New Login and giving it a different name to the existing Login.
    5. Then try to use the new Login item to fill.

    For Yahoo:
    1. Open 1Password once again and enter your Username in the first Yahoo Login screen.
    2. Click the key icon at the bottom of 1Browser.
    3. Click New Login and giving it a different name to the existing Login. Please also enter your Password at this point and then save the new Login.
    4. Then try to use the new Login item to fill.

    Let me know how that goes and if you've any questions about anything above don't hesitate to send a reply.

    Best regards,

  • vangen
    Community Member

    thank you before my support request i tried to make new logins/new names on my mac saving and syncing - it did not work. After i tried to make new login /names for nordnet and yahoo after your recipe. Shut down 1Password and opened it . It does still not work (fill in) I must stillcopy and past manually for each time

  • matthew_ag
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @vangen,

    Sorry that didn't work. I tried that using 1Password for Mac and syncing the newly created Logins across to 1Password for iOS but I was still able to fill in both cases.

    Perhaps we're using slightly different versions of 1Password for iOS. I'm using 1Password for iOS 6.5.4. Could you let me know which version you're using?

    You can check what version of 1Password for iOS you're running by following this guide:


    Please let us know what you find.

    Best regards,

  • vangen
    Community Member

    V. 7.3.1. And everything worked just fine for a Week ago

  • matthew_ag
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @vangen,

    Sorry, that version number (7.3.1) doesn't match up to any version of "1Password for iOS" we've released. The latest version is v6.7.1.

    I'd just like to clarify where you can check the version, you can find the version of "1Password for iOS" by:

    1. Open and unlock 1Password, then tap Settings.
    2. Scroll down until you see the version number (see screenshot below):

    Best regards,

  • vangen
    Community Member

    sorry! my version is 6.7.1 !

  • matthew_ag
    1Password Alumni

    Hey no worries, thanks for checking that again @vangen,

    I just switched to use the same version and I do notice that for the Nordnet website when I click the website field in my Nordnet Login item and 1Browser opens, the fields aren't populated as they should be. However, when I click the key icon at the bottom of 1Browser and choose my Nordnet Login again they are filled at that point. Could you try that please and see if that works?

    Let's focus on Nordnet for now as we should be able to get it to work for you given we're using the same version. The next thing that might be different between us is the Login item itself. Please try the following:

    1. Open this discussion in a browser on your Mac.
    2. Copy the following text to the clipboard (highlight the text, right-click on it and click "Copy"):

      {"sectionName":"N","details":{"htmlForm":{"htmlMethod":"LB1"},"fields":[{"id":"username;opid=__0","value":"savedonmac","name":"","designation":"username","type":"T"},{"id":"password;opid=__1","value":"lkjlkjlkjlkjlkj","name":"","designation":"password","type":"P"},{"id":";opid=__2","value":"Logg inn","type":"I","name":""}]},"uuid":"tnufmm446jezvedr6fehthh4ta","updatedAt":1496351722,"createdAt":1496351716,"categoryUUID":"001","overview":{"title":"Nordnet - Saved on Mac","url":"https:\/\/www.nordnet.no\/mux\/login\/start.html?state=signin","ainfo":"savedonmac","ps":57},"URLs":[{"overview":{"label":"website","url":"https:\/\/www.nordnet.no\/mux\/login\/start.html?state=signin"}}]}

    3. Open 1Password for Mac and unlock it. If you have multiple vaults select the vault that syncs to your 1Password for iOS.

    4. From the menubar at the top choose File > New Item from Clipboard. See screenshot below:

    5. This will create a Login item called "Nordnet - Saved on Mac" which is the same one I tested with.

    6. Please wait a few seconds for it to sync to your 1Password for iOS and then try to use to fill in the website on your iPhone. As mentioned, it didn't fill the first time when 1Browser opened (which we will look into) so please try clicking the key icon at the bottom of 1Browser to see if it will fill with that method.

    Let me know how that goes and if you've any questions about anything above don't hesitate to send a reply.

    Best regards,

  • vangen
    Community Member

    Thanks for advice with clicking the key icon worked all right - i takes a little of the pain from this problem ;-). I thendid the copy/past on Mac and tried the "saved on my mac" on iPhone. It did not fill inn user/passw. - but again it worked with the key icon

  • vangen
    Community Member

    By the way i had to close/open the 1password to force it to do a dropboxsync

  • matthew_ag
    1Password Alumni
    edited June 2017

    Hey again @vangen,

    Glad the key icon works, I've investigated the Nordnet website and it turns out that when the web page loads iniitally, the login page isn't included. Immediately after loading the page, some JavaScript code on the webpage itself add the login form to the page. As a person viewing the page, it looks like it's there from the start but this is simply because it is added to fast to the page by the website's code.

    1Password on iOS is very limited in how it can interact with web pages and it only gets a single chance to make changes to the page. If we fail to fill during our one chance then we must wait until the user attempts again manually. I'm afraid this isn't something that we can fix ourselves. The only workaround would be the one that works already (using the key icon at the bottom of 1Browser instead). Perhaps we'll be able to improve things in the future.

    Regarding the Yahoo Login, that should work straight when it loads up. Does it work for you if you use the key method?

    I hope that helps. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.

    Best regards,

  • vangen
    Community Member

    OK i will let them know because that must be a very recent change. I think that you indirectly tells me the because of that nordnetscript 1password are not sure of the true identity of the login page. If not you should adapt the 1password for the task of mordent or maybe add a time delay for the fill in. Thank you for quick, knowledgeable and effective support as always

  • vangen
    Community Member

    Just one more question i did not quite figure out from your answer:
    Why does it work as usual on my mac - but not on my iPhone

  • matthew_ag
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks @vangen,

    You're most welcome. :+1:

    I think that you indirectly tells me the because of that nordnetscript 1password are not sure of the true identity of the login page.

    Just to clarify, 1Password is sure of the identity of the web page as we base our trust on the hostname (the nordnet.no part of the URL). This check is done by comparing the hostname of the website being viewed with the hostname of the website field in the Login item. This is done to ensure that 1Password only fills on webpages that match the website field of a Login item. The reason filling isn't automatically working is purely a technical reason rather than a security one.

    If not you should adapt the 1password for the task of mordent or maybe add a time delay for the fill in.

    If it were possible to do so we certainly would. At the moment, the embedded browser we call 1Browser is actually the same browser view that Safari uses, it's just embedded within our app. This is the only method of providing a browser embedded in an app on iPhone due to Apple's restrictions on browsers within apps. Hopefully this will become more flexible in the future though.

    OK i will let them know because that must be a very recent change.

    Thank you, we highly appreciate this. Feel free to point them to this post. We are always willing to work with web developers interested in making their websites more friendly to 1Password :chuffed:

    Best regards,

  • vangen
    Community Member


  • matthew_ag
    1Password Alumni
    edited June 2017

    If you encounter into any any further 1Password issues, just let us know.

    We'll be here. :chuffed:


This discussion has been closed.