Suggestion: Hide the conflict (prior) CC verification code (like what is done with prior passwords)

Community Member

When using 1Password (especially on the Mac but also on iOS) to enter CC information manually, I find that sometimes I grab the verification code that is listed in the conflict area instead of the correct one. I think part of the issue is the current one is buried in the main entry and the eye is drawn to the CC verification code that is standing out. Could you put then hidden (inside prior card info) similar to what is done with prior passwords? This isn't huge but I do it occasionally especially if in a hurry.

1Password Version: 6.7.1
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: 10.12.5
Sync Type: dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:Hide conflict credit card info


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @dlemex,

    Thanks for reaching out to ask us about this! Normally, when you change the 'verification number' field in a Credit Card item, the old verification number will indeed be moved to the list of previously used passwords, and you'll see a "show previously used passwords" button in the item details.

    However, you said you see the old verification number in a 'Conflicts' section. That can happen if 1Password is unable to determine which copy of an item has the newer information during a sync. In that case, the conflicting information is moved to a 'Conflict' field to make sure that data isn't lost. When you see that happen, you can edit the item to keep the new data and delete the old data. If the Conflict section had the new verification number, you would want to copy that into the verification number field. But since the Conflict section shows your old verification number, you can simply delete the Conflict section and save changes.

    Hopefully this helps, but please let us know if you need anything else. Have a great weekend! :)

  • dlemex
    Community Member

    Ah ha! That makes sense. I have many Macs and iOS devices so I must sometimes change things in multiple places. I will take your suggestion and clean those out. For me, I have never encountered new information there... just the prior so I had assumed it was how that card worked. Thanks for the quick reply. Have a great weekend yourself!

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    You too! Were here if you need us. :)

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