Mac - save and fill function does not work


My save and fill function does not work. I have gone back and forth via email for several weeks with different support members, sending diagnostic reports every 2 days, and the issue has still not been resolved. Can someone please send me some recommendations to fix this ongoing issue?

1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided


  • matthew_ag
    1Password Alumni
    edited June 2017

    Hi @mzcocobunny,

    Thanks for taking the time to write in, I'm very sorry for the delay in responding to you and that the saving and filling functionality isn't working.

    I found the discussions you've had with us previously in our support system. We did have a number of suggestions which my collegues made but I'm not sure if the email made it through as we didn't get a reply. I'll mention the suggestions here:

    • At the time in the Diagnostics Report you sent in in looks like the version of 1Password for Mac is a little older (v6.6.1) and would need to be updated. We have a guide on our website for how to update 1Password for Mac.
    • The Diagnostics Report also shows Chrome was on version 57.0.2987.133 and there is a newer version available as of today. To update Chrome:
      1. Open Chrome
      2. From the menubar at the top of your Mac's screen click Chrome > About Google Chrome.
      3. A new tab should open and Chrome will display if it needs to be updated or not.
      4. If it does, it should offer you a button to update and restart Chrome.

    Let me know how that goes and if it helps. If you've any questions about anything above don't hesitate to send a reply.

    Best regards,

    ref: VUZ-23375-417

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