Problems moving from Appstore to AgileBits version

Community Member
edited June 2017 in Mac

I Ctrl closed the Appstore version and downloaded the AgileBits version. Opened it and, instead of Primary, Second and Archive vaults, I had two Primaries and the Second. There were also many logins missing and the secondary vault logins were merged with the Primary.

Then, to cap it all and whilst trying to set up iCloud sync again, I never received my verification SMS from Apple to allow me to continue with the change over and so I'm back to the Appstore version. I tried once before to move versions but ran into the same problems with missing logins. I wanted to do the changeover because I feel like moving to the families version and it's cheaper with the AgileBits one!
Thanks, Richard

1Password Version: 6.7 AppStore
Extension Version: 4.6.5
OS Version: 10.12.6 beta
Sync Type: iCloud


  • Hi @rwakeford,

    I wanted to do the changeover because I feel like moving to the families version and it's cheaper with the AgileBits one!

    That's actually not the case. You're probably thinking of the fact that we offer the discount when paying yearly. You can actually get that same discount regardless of which version of the app you're using. Until recently there was a limitation where to pay yearly you had to use a credit card on our site to pay as the AppStore In App Purchase subscription was limited to monthly. But now you can get the yearly discount even while using the Apple Subscription.

    All this to say... if you were happy with the Mac App Store version of the app, you can keep on using it. We're happy to help you get the subscription for the cheapest price either way.

    Let us know which way you'd like to go and we'll help you achieve that.


  • rwakeford
    Community Member

    Ah, I must have mis read the details about the subscription. Thanks for that. I love tinkering with Beta programmes but, because the AppStore version works faultlessly for me, I might as well stay with it. Can I ask one other question. There is just me and my partner who use 1Password and I give my previous iPhone to my partner and so she continues with my Apple account. So do I need a families subscription or can I just use a single one and, should she get her own Apple account in the future, would I be able to change from a single to a families subscription?

  • @rwakeford,

    You can keep asking questions all day. It's why we're here. :)

    You can upgrade from a individual account to a 1Password Families account any time you wish. It's a little easier to do that if you don't use Apple Subscriptions though. If you go down that route you'll need to email us and we'll walk you through the steps to do it.

    Considering the cost difference though... I would recommend going with 1Password Families right out of the gate. There's one feature alone that I think makes it worth it: Account Recovery. If you or your partner were to forget a Master Password, there's nothing that we can do to help. We can't reset passwords. But through the power of Account Recovery (and a serious amount of cryptography), you can have one family member recover the account of another family member. All you need is for the family accounts to be marked as "Family Organizer" (i.e. meant for adults).

    Does that help?


  • rwakeford
    Community Member

    OK, 1Password Families does seem the more logical although the cost difference is nearly double!! ;-)
    I'd still love to move from the AppStore version to Agile Bits but, once bitten twice shy. I don't know why I should have that difficulty but it's done it every time.
    I'm just going to read up a bit more before taking the step.
    Thanks a lot for your help.

  • I'm not sure why it was difficult either. I'm sure we could have tamed it if we really wanted to though. It'll be easier once you're using 1Password Families as all we'll have to do is reset things then sign in with the account.

    Let us know if you have any more questions. We're happy to help.


  • rwakeford
    Community Member

    Well, I thought I wasn't bad with computers but I've just tried to get going with Families but can't open the tag to move vaults manually as I have three. Besides, I have lots of custom icons and don't want to have to re do all of those so I think I'll just stick with what works perfectly for me and pay for any updates when they arrive.
    I just find this moving over far too much of a palaver and really can't be bothered. It's too complicated, at least it is for me!! ;-)
    Now I've got to wade through everything to find out how to cancel Families.

  • rwakeford
    Community Member

    OK, I don't like giving up and so I finally waded into it and got it done at 3AM! It's not the easiest route with lots of twists and turns, but I think I'm nearly there apart from the fact that I'm still on my old password. I wasn't allowed to use it when converting as it was deemed too short and so I've got a new one but it's still not being asked for.

  • rwakeford
    Community Member
    edited June 2017

    Hit a wall. Can't delete my Primary vault either on the Mac or iPhone. In fact, on the iPhone, it says there are several vaults outside of my 1Password accounts and I must delete them before I can delete the Primary vault! In fact, each time I log in I'm still using the old password so, even though my partner has her 1Password up and running and I have all the vaults necessary, I'm still logging in with the old version. Sorry to be difficult!! ;-)

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @rwakeford,

    Sorry you've been having difficulty with this! But the good news is that I think you're almost done, and the rest should be easy.

    If the 1Password app has other local vaults (i.e. vaults that are not part of your account), you'll need to delete those first before you can delete the Primary vault. Before you do that, please make sure you've already copied or moved all the items from each local vault to your account vault(s). In the 1Password app on your Mac, use the vault picker in the top left corner to select each local vault, starting with Primary. Then check your account vault(s) to confirm they have all your items.

    You can also sign into your account on and check your vault(s) there. The vaults and items you see on are all part of your account and will still be in the 1Password app on your Mac after deleting all the local vaults.

    If all your items are now in your account vault(s), you can delete the local vaults. Open 1Password on your Mac and use the vault picker in the top left corner to switch to one of your local secondary vaults, then go to 1Password > Delete [vault name] Vault... in the menu bar. After deleting each local secondary vault, you'll be able to delete the Primary vault (switch to Primary and go to 1Password > Delete Vault... in the menu bar).

    On your iPhone, your easiest option will be to reset the app, then set it up again by signing into your account. To do that, open 1Password on your iPhone and go to Settings > Advanced > Erase All 1Password Data. Once you've reset the app, open it again and choose to sign into your account.

    Please let us know how it goes, and if it's still a problem, we'll continue from there. Thanks! :)

  • rwakeford
    Community Member

    Impeccable and easy instructions to follow. I was trying to delete the Primary vault before the others which is obviously why it was greyed out. So it's all working perfectly and only took a couple of minutes to set it up as well!
    One last question and then I hope not to bother you again. Does my partner have to erase all data on her iPhone 1Password too so that she can sign in with her new password?
    Thanks very much again for all the help.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    I'm glad that was helpful, @rwakeford!

    Before your partner resets the 1Password app, make sure she has migrated her data from her local vault(s) to her new account vault(s) on her main device (like you did on your Mac). In case it helps, we have the steps to migrate data here: Migrate your data on your main device

    She only needs to do that on one device, and once she has all her data in her account, she can delete the local vault(s) on that device, and reset the app on her other devices.

    I hope that helps, but please let us know if you have more questions about that. We're always happy to help! :)

  • rwakeford
    Community Member

    Nearly there. How do I get rid of my Archive and Personal vaults which she doesn't need (and I want to keep private if possible) so that she can just have her own vault and nothing else? Is that possible?

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @rwakeford,

    With a 1Password Families subscription, you each have your own user account. By default, each account has its own 'Personal' (or 'Private') vault which can't be seen by others. There's also a 'Shared' vault that you can both see. If you create additional vaults in your account (and it sounds like you may have created one called "Archive"), that can only be seen by you unless you choose to share it with your partner.

    So to answer your question: When your partner signs into 1Password with her own email address / master password / secret key, she will see her own Personal/Private vault as well as the Shared vault (and others you've created and shared with her, if any), but she won't see any of your own vaults that aren't shared.

    Hopefully that answers your question, but please let us know if you have more! :)

  • rwakeford
    Community Member

    Got it finally, and no thanks to my stupidity. I'd taken a reading of my Qcode and not hers. Now it's all working perfectly and I'm so glad I made the change to families as it just works!
    One last question. I really would like to change from the AppStore version to Agile Bits for my Mac but, even though I've religiously followed instructions (I think) two times before, I've lost some logins. Should I just try again?
    Thanks again for all your help from you all. You all have the patience of an angel !!

  • rwakeford
    Community Member
    edited June 2017

    ok. I jumped in and downloaded the AgileBits version again and got my Families installed on it but 1Password still only accepts my old password (I made a new one for Families) and I have TWO Primary vaults outside my Families vaults that I can't get rid of as Delete is greyed out. It seems that, even though I've got my Families account scanned in, it's not syncing and 1Password is still, in effect, working as before I subscribed to Families. It was working fine with the AppStore version though.
    I've chickened out and gone back to the AppStore version for now.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    That's great news, @rwakeford! I'm happy you were able to get your Families account all set up.

    As far as the AgileBits Store version of the app, it sounds like it found older data on your Mac. To get it set up correctly, you can just reset the AgileBits Store version and then set it up again by signing into your account:

    1. Open the AgileBits Store version of 1Password.
    2. Make sure it's locked - if it isn't, lock it by clicking the padlock in the top right corner of the app window.
    3. Choose Help > Troubleshooting > Reset All 1Password Data and follow the on-screen instructions.
    4. After resetting the app, open it and choose to sign into your account.

    If all goes well, you can delete the Mac App Store version by going to Applications and dragging the file to the Trash (do not use any app cleaning tools).

    Let us know how it goes! :)

  • rwakeford
    Community Member

    I'm not having much luck. I'm one of those to whom the Apple Two Step Verification code never arrives by SMS and so I can't delete my iCloud data as yet. So, still stuck with the AppStore version.

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @rwakeford,

    You don't need to reset your 1Password data in iCloud in order to follow the steps I sent you. Just reset the 1Password 6 app (AgileBits Store version) by following my steps. After resetting the app, you'll see the 'Welcome' screen when you open it again. On the 'Welcome' screen, click on (immediately below "Used 1Password before?").

    Does that help? If not, please let us know exactly when you're getting stuck and which of the steps I sent you isn't working as it should.

  • rwakeford
    Community Member
    edited June 2017

    Ah. The first time, after opening 1Password, I actually opened it properly with the old master password and then, after ensuring the padlock top right was locked and so I didn't click on it, thinking it was locked, I went to Help > Troubleshooting > Reset All 1Password Data but it actually asked for Reset all iCloud data. That's when I gave up.

    This time, though, I just opened 1Password without actually opening it with the master password and, even though there was no lock icon top right, I clicked on Help and there was Reset All 1Password Data instead of Reset All 1Password iCloud Data. (I now realise that I should have clicked on the lock icon to actually lock !Password that last time) I was then asked for my master password which it didn't accept (I tried the new one, the old one and the password for my Mac) and so just ignored it and carried on. 1Password seemed to ignore it as well and I scanned the QCode and now I have a fully working AgileBits 1Password with just my Family account and nothing else.

    Phew. I'm there at last and thanks a million for your help although your instructions to open 1Password might be better put to Open but don't open with the password, just click on Help in the menu. I just assumed that, because the lock icon was closed, I didn't need to click on it. :-(

    Anyway, this final time, it all worked and I'm very happy and thanks again.


  • rwakeford
    Community Member


    The last time I actually opened 1Password with the old master password and then, because the padlock top right was locked, I selected Help but, instead of Reset All 1Password Data, I got Reset All 1Password iCloud Data. That's when I gave up because I didn't receive my Apple two step verification SMS.

    This last time I opened 1Password without putting in my master password and selected Help from there and there was Reset All 1Password Data. Having done that I was then asked for my master password which would be used for my Family account. It ignored both that, my old master password as well as my password for the Mac and so I ignored it and so did 1Password and we carried on and I now have a fully working AgileBits 1Password.

    I think the instructions Make sure it's locked - if it isn't, lock it by clicking the padlock in the top right corner of the app window are misleading because, as in my case, I thought it was locked because the padlock top right was locked. Shouldn't it be changed to Lock it by clicking on the padlock in the top right corner of the app window?

    Anyway, I'm there now with a fully working AgileBits beta version of 1Password, so thank you all very much for your patience, hand holding and general help.


  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Awesome! I'm really glad that's all sorted out now. And I'm sorry if I wasn't clear about locking 1Password. The padlock icon shows what that button will do, and not the current state of 1Password. If you see the lock screen, the app is locked - if you can see your data, it's unlocked.

    Hopefully it all works well for you from now on, but if you have more questions, you know where to find us. ;)

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